
The Opening of the Faculty of Medicine Research Center

Ain Shams University will be witnessing the opening of the MASRI Ain Shams Medical Research Center. In attendance are Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Major General Dr. Muhammad Al-Assar, Minister of State for Military Production, Dr. Osama Haykal, Minister of Media, Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of the University, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Omar, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Ayman Saleh, Director of Ain Shams University Hospitals, Prof. Dr. Hisham Al-Ghazali, Director of the Research Center, Prof. Dr. Manal Hamdi El-Sayed, Director of the Clinical Research Unit, in addition to a number of Egyptian university presidents, 12 international experts including the former president of the American Oncology Society and the president of the African Oncology Society and a group of experts from the United States of America, France, England, Italy, China and India.

Venue: The opening will take place in the Zafaran Palace, next Saturday, January 11th, at 2:00 pm.

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of the University, said that the Ain Shams Medical Research Center seeks to be a leading center in scientific research in Egypt and the entire region, as it contains 6 departments for pre-clinical research, genome research, and stem cell research, as well as an accredited center for clinical research and a unit for the treatment and research of liver viruses and a bioinformatics unit.


Prof. Dr. Hisham Al-Ghazali, Director of the Center, said that the center contains, for the first time, a vital bank for cancer, which is the largest in the Arab region, and contains tissue and organic samples, and the associated clinical characteristics of about 28 thousand patients, and researchers aspire through it to know the genetic characteristics of Egyptian cancer patients, which in turn is reflected on the discovery of medicine and the careful selection of medications with so-called personal medicine.

The center is closely related to the Drug Discovery Center at the College of Pharmacy, with the aim of discovering new patterns of medicine in various branches, especially liver tumors.

It is worth noting that the center has several partnerships with Egyptian and international research centers such as the University of Zewail, the National Research Center, Fudan University of China, and is ranked 40th in the world in cancer treatment and the French University of Montpellier.

The Board of Directors of the Center consists of several Egyptian and foreign scientists, including: Professor Ahmed Kassab, Head of the Liver Cancer Unit at the MD Anderson Institute in the United States of America, and Dr. Pascal Pujol, Head of the Genetics Unit at the University of Montpellier, France and Mr. Tarek Al-Khouli Chairman of the Board of Saib Bank.


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