
9th International Conference

Fourth Generation Universities … is the new goal that Ain Shams University seeks to follow its path, and has made strides and bold strides towards this goal … and started its 9th international conference under the title “Fourth Generation Universities between Reality and Aspiration.”

A strategy based on providing the latest global systems in terms of curricula, teaching methods, providing modern laboratories and equipment, and following up recent scientific developments in various fields has been developed so as to reach help the university to reach the stage of its classification from the fourth generation universities.

The university’s plan included setting programs that start from developing students ’scientific skills, providing space for cooperation with international universities, and creating new specializations commensurate with future jobs, in addition to starting work on applying the digital transformation in university curricula to keep pace with the times and achieve the required development.


Important Dates

​The Conference will be held from 5 to 9 April 2020 at the grand conference hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy

  • Start Abstract Submission: 15th January
  • Close Abstract Submission: 15th March
  • Registration:-
Egyptian or expatriate researchers 750 EGP
Egyptian or expatriate researchers 500 EGP
9/450/81327/5 EGP
Deposit the amount (Dollar)at the account of / Unified Treasury at Ain Shams University/Graduate Studies
  • Payment can be made directly to the Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Postgraduate Studies at the University.
  • Please hand over the original receipt of the deposit to the Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Postgraduate Studies at the University or to the Conference Registration Officers at the Vice Dean of Post Graduate Studies and Research at the Faculty

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