

A teacher is a person who helps to transfer/impact knowledge and virtues on students. Teachers help provide and attend to peoples’ needs for knowledge. Frankly speaking, while teaching is a hard work for some, the vocation appears pretty simple to others.

Teaching job is a formal vocation and does not require mediocrity. Teachers are an integrate part of a student’s life. A good teacher can make a world of difference in the student’s life. It involves impacting everything from their classroom learning to their long term success. A teacher has a major role to play in the overall outcome of the students. It is said that there are no bad students, but bad teachers. This is true because it takes a good teacher to make and get the most of their students.

If you are considering a career in education and Egypt, it is important to know the things you need to do before you can be licensed to be a teacher in Egypt

What to do First

The first thing a do before becoming a teacher in Egypt is to obtain and hold relevant certificate under the law relating to education and training. The first thing is to get enrolled in an higher institution and obtain the relevant certification


What Next?

After graduation and obtaining the relevant certification, you will be expected to sit for the teachers’ professional examination. This is through the teacher education programmes organized by the National Council for Accreditation of Teachers Education (NCATE). Some of these programmes are available after the completion of bachelor’s degree. Others are offered by nationally accredited schools of education and incorporated into the undergraduate programme. Having completed the education programme, you will be expected to pass a test administered by the Educational Testing Service. This is to demonstrate well-rounded knowledge of liberal arts.

How much are teachers paid in Egypt?

In general, teachers in Egypt earn between 800 and 1200 Egyptian pounds per month. It is also interesting to note that teachers’ salaries are tax free in Egypt.

What makes a good teacher?

As said earlier, it takes a good teacher to make and get the most of their students. To achieve this, the teacher needs to possess some attributes that will make him stand out as a good teacher. The list of qualities of a good teacher is endless. However, we highlight only five of such qualities in this post.

1. Good Teachers have great communication skills.

You can’t be a good teacher if you don’t know how to communicate properly with your students.  It is a great deal of work to be able to get the students to understand what you are teaching them. A good teacher should also know how to communicate with the parents of the students.


2. Good Teachers are Good Listeners.

It is important to note that listening is also a form of communication. Great teachers give their ears to the questions, anxieties and doubts of their students and those of the parents.

3. Good Teachers are Wholesomely Adaptable.

The working environment for teachers is not static. The working environment constantly evolve. The evolving environment requires the teacher’s ability to adjust accordingly their teaching methods based on the individual differences of their students, available resources and changing curriculum, etc.

4. Good Teachers are Engaging

Great teachers must be able to engage their students. They should have a great classroom presence and be creative in lessons.  Teaching just more than talking, it is also about engaging.

5. Good Teachers have Patience.

This is an important virtue that every teacher must have. You must be patient enough to accommodate personality differences among the students and more importantly, good teachers must have more patience with the parents of the students.


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