
Announcement of filling the jobs of primary resident doctors (loaning system)

South Valley University (University Hospital in Qena) announces its need to occupy the positions of primary resident doctors (secondment system) of the third-class specialist for a period of one year, renewable for three years, and it may be extended to a maximum of five years in accordance with Resolution No. (1161) dated May 30 2011.

And in the following disciplines, as follows: –

The Number Department the number M Department the number
3 Cardiothoracic Surgery 12 7  General internal diseases 13
2 Neurosurgery 13 6  General Surgery 2
2 Vascular Surgery 14 6 Obstetrics and Gynecology 3
2 Plastic Surgery 15 6 Pediatrics 4
1 Dermatology, venereal medicine and male medicine 16 3 Urology and genital Surgery 5
15th Anesthesia, critical intensive care and pain treatment 17 4 Orthopaedic Surgery 6
10  Diagnostic X-ray 18 3 Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology 7
1 Oncology and nuclear medicine 19 3 Chest diseases and tuberculosis 8
2 Natural medicine and Rheumatism 20 3 Neurological and psychological diseases 9
10 Clinical pathology 21 2 Ophthalmology 10
—————— 3 Nose, ear, and throat, including speech and audiologyـ 11


The applicant for these positions is required in addition to the legal conditions mentioned in Law No. 49 of 1972 regarding regulation:


1- The advanced physician must be of Egyptian nationality and graduate of the Faculty of Medicine in Qena.

2 – He must have obtained a good grade of at least in the general grade (Bachelor). And a very good estimate in the subject matter, and in the absence of applicants who have a very good estimate, it is recommended from those who obtain a good estimate.

3- He must have spent the training year (excellence) when applying for the advertisement and allowed to apply for these jobs during the last two months of the training period, and not have signed during the training period any penalties that violate the ethics and honor of the profession.

4- Not more than two years have passed since the end of the training concession period.


5 – It is not allowed to apply for these jobs for those who were previously nominated for the position of a resident doctor in another specialization in Qena University Hospitals or Teaching Assistant

The Faculty of Medicine.

6- It is not allowed to change or withdraw desires after they are submitted to the Medical Affairs Administration.

7 – All desires are filled in with the relevant form, and any incomplete form of desires is not considered.


Applications are submitted in the name of Mr. Prof. / Director General of University Hospitals on the form prepared for that in the Department of Physicians Affairs at University Hospitals at a date no later than a month from the date of publication attached with the following documents: –

1- Graduation certificate

2 – Certificate of completion of the concession period for those who have completed the training period

3- Number (4) personal photo


4- A copy of the national ID card

5- Certificate of Estimates for Subjects during the school years


6- The original birth certificate

7- Statement of the training year for doctors whose training year will end on 02/22/2020


NOTE:  It is required in all applicants to occupy these positions that it meets the conditions mentioned in the basic regulations for the primary resident doctors issued by Ministerial Decree (1161) issued on May 30 2011, and in addition to the foregoing, it meets the requirements of Law No. 49 of 1972 regarding the organization of universities and the law of workers Civilians in the country and physicians working must submit their requests with the approval of their explicit work authority and will not pay any attention to requests submitted before or after the date of the specified or not fulfilled announcement.


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