
10 Lucrative Careers in Egypt Without a Degree

Have you just graduated from high school and are thinking about how to make money? Don’t worry, I have a direction for you if you continue reading this post. I have been in your position so I can aptly relate with your condition. There are some things you have now, as well as some skills that can translate into good money for you if you want them to. For instance, if you have a camera, or are skilled in using phone cameras, you could actually make good money as a photographer. All you need is a Facebook page and a group of friends who promise to tag you in all of your photographs.
Or maybe you can bake. You can actually maximize that skill and pocket home a good sum of money. It’s that simple!
Here are top 10 lucrative jobs in Egypt with a degree:

1. Photography

Photographers are artists with the camera, using a blend of technical skills and an artistic eye to take pictures of people, places, landscapes, food, you name it. As a photographer, you can work as a fine artist, wedding and event photographer, or sell your photos to commercial clients. You can also be a fashion photographer, responsible for photographing apparel, accessories, and fashion models, as well as collaborating with hair stylists, fashion stylists, makeup artists, and fashion designers. You can probably be making more money than you’ve ever dreamed of!

2. Cupcake/Customized Pastries Baker

Do you have all the skills to bake delicious and tasty cakes? If so, then you could make money baking. Yes, you could actually make quite a lot of money baking!
Home cooking, especially baking cakes and cupcakes, is very fashionable right now. People will pay good money for high quality baking. You can sell your food at parties, fairs, and even at local food markets.
The beautiful thing about earning by baking is that it’s straightforward, flexible and enjoyable. It isn’t something that you necessarily have to do on a regular basis if you don’t want to. But if you’re ever short on cash, the option is there. All you’ll really need is a few good recipes and a reasonable idea of what people want to buy.

3. Fashion Designer/Stylist

Fashion design business is a highly profitable business where you can make up to thousands of Egyptian Pounds on a weekly basis. So, if you are blessed with the talent of designing clothes, you can take it up from there. Currently, the fashion industry has such a huge scope for growth. People always want to actually look good in what they are wearing. A fashion idol should be different, creative and actually know how to dress! To succeed in this business, you need to have superb managerial, marketing, creative and negotiation skills.


4. Fitness Coach

If you have a love for fitness, whether as a professional or just someone who loves keeping healthy, you can make money from it!
The rise of health movements such as vegan, keto, and paleo diets, coupled with exercise trends such as HIIT and circuit training, it’s safe to say that the fitness industry is booming and will only continue to grow in Egypt.

14 Ways to Make Money in the Fitness Niche

5. Online Store Owner

You can make lots of money owning an online store. You can own a very large market using your facebook and other social media platforms. Photographers can upload their images to any one of a number of huge databases, allowing magazine editors, designers or any organization with a website to buy them. Fashion designers too can sell their fabrics online and attract lots of clients to themselves.

6 Transportation & Distribution Manager

In this career, you will plan, direct, and coordinate a variety of activities related to the transportation, distribution, and storage of various materials and products. Basically, you’ll be in charge of making sure things get to where they need to go.
There is a lot of money in the transportation industry in Egypt. person working in Courier / Delivery / Transport / Drivers in Egypt typically earns well. This is really a good pay!


7. Elevator Technician

Considering the significant, under-appreciated risks involved in elevators (they do, after all, lift people hundreds of feet into the air!), the demand for top-quality elevator installers and repairers is high. Even without a college education, these professionals are well paid, and there will be strong growth thanks to an increase in multi-use facilities. To become one, you need an understanding of math and mechanics. However, you can work as an apprentice for at least four years within which period you will gather enough experience in the career.. Even after you are hired as a full-fledged technician, constant training and development will be required.

8. Make-up Artist

If you have dreamt about working in theater and entertainment, but don’t think acting or directing is right for you, perhaps a career as a makeup artist would fit your goals. This career offers a strong income but you will need experience and training that helps you apply makeup to performers that is specific to the situation, setting, or the role. The growth for this career is strong, and you will only need a non-degree award. You also won’t need previous training or experience, making this the perfect entry-level option in our list of the highest paying jobs without a degree.

9. Aircraft Mechanics

Just like our cars, aircrafts need routine maintenance and regular repairs, and these tasks fall on the shoulders of aircraft mechanics, one of the jobs that don’t require a degree. The income is excellent. This career requires a certificate, so some post-secondary education is required. You will likely need to complete a certificate that is recognized by the FAA to work in many of the available jobs.

10. Web Developers

Web developers design, develop, and maintain websites. Some web developers are self-employed, working for a variety of companies and individuals. Others work in computer systems design, information services, finance, or education for large and small companies.
This is a good career choice for you if you are both technical and creative. Web developers are needed for various projects and many become specialists in specific skills.


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