
How to Become a Medical Doctor in Namibia

Medicine is a career that some children only dream of. Even Most parents want their children to strive for this career because it is lucrative. The moment you’ve decided you want to pursue a career in medicine, you know you are expected to go through a lot of hard work and inevitably many hours of study. However, all your efforts will be worth it in the end. After all, being a doctor is one of the noblest and most rewarding professions in the world.

Medicine is a Demanding Field

Getting the title ‘Dr’ isn’t an easy task at all. It comes with dedication and hard work. Many people have discontinued the journey due to the immense pressure that comes with studying medicine.

Some others have resorted to following other careers or simply giving up altogether because it gets too much. What exactly does the medical career demand from potential students? The answer is simple: hard work and dedication. These two traits encompass every other.

Applying to medical school is not something you should do superficially. You have to choose your medical school wisely. To make your mission a little easier and smoother, we’ll present the most common entry requirements to Medical Schools for Universities in Namibia. We’ll also provide you other useful information you need to know about studying medicine in Namibia.


Getting In

High school students who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine should take advanced placement courses in math and science-related subjects, such as chemistry, biology, physics and calculus.
In order to apply for the MBChb degree, you must have about 35 points based on the Unam Scale with at least a B-symbol in English or alternatively, you should have 37 points on the Unam Scale with at least a C-symbol in English. You must also have a score of 2 or better in higher level Mathematics and Physical Science (which could be a 2 in Mathematics and a 3 in Physical Science or vice versa) and a B-symbol or more for Biology or Life Science on Ordinary level.

How Long Does It take to Study Medicine In Namibia?

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB), offered at the University of Namibia’s School of Medicine is a five-year course for undergraduate model and four-year program for graduate model, and three to seven years of residency.

How Much Does it Cost to Study Medicine in Namibia?

It will cost you about 1,523 EUR/year as tuition fees to study medicine and surgery at the University of Namibia Medical School.

What You Should Expect

The first two years of medical school are a mixture of classroom and lab time. Students take classes in basic sciences such as anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology and pharmacology. They also learn the basics of interviewing and examining patients. This is also a whole lot of dissecting of dead bodies and serious lessons about contemporary medicine that people use in hospitals.


After The Medical School, What Next?

It doesn’t just end at obtaining the MBChB. You get to intern at hospitals and clinics for one year before you can practice as a doctor in Namibia. It’s compulsory.
Students get the opportunity to work at places such as the mortuary so that they understand the human body better, both on the inside and outside.


After your medical training, you MUST register and get licensed with the Medical and Dental Council of Namibia before you can practice as a medical doctor in Namibia. Health Professional Council of Namibia (HPCNA) evaluates internationally educated physicians who are applying for registration to practice medicine in Namibia. Pre-internship evaluation is compulsory for all foreign trained medical and dental graduates before they may be registered with the Medical and Dental Council as interns.

How can You Become a Specialist?

Despite the qualifications that you might get after you obtain the degree, you’d have to study an extra five years or more to fully become a specialist. If you’re dedicated, determined and most importantly passionate about what you want to study, then you’d have to work hard and stay focused.

Do Students Get Paid in Medical School in Namibia?

Cost of studying medicine is high. Students pay for medical school in tuition, books, and fees. However, a resident gets paid once medical school is complete, but considering the number of hours worked, it is less than the minimum wage.


How Medical Students Fund their School Fees.

There are a number of ways medical students pay their school fees in Namibia. These include:

Personal savings

You can use savings to help pay for medical school. A budget can help you understand what your monthly expenses are. Make sure that if you use your savings to help pay for medical school you still have money left to pay your bills and cover any unplanned expenses. If you have any questions, talk to a financial advisor.

Medical school-based scholarships, grants, and assistantships.

Some medical schools offer need-based grants as well as merit scholarships and assistantships for students. If you had a high GPA in college, you should research what scholarship and assistantship offerings are available to you. Look at the websites of the medical schools you apply to or talk to their financial aid offices to get more details.

Do Student Doctors Get Paid in Namibia?

A person working as Doctor/Physician in Namibia typically earns around 41,000 NAD per month. Salaries range from 15,100 NAD (lowest average) to 69,200 NAD (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).
Junior doctors get more for working extra and anti-social hours (currently classified as outside 07:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday) on top of the basic salary, which boosts their income.


The 15 highest-paying Jobs for Doctors in Namibia.

Below are the 15 highest-paying areas of medicine in Namibia for you to consider:

  1. Anesthesiologists.
  2. Surgeons.
  3. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons
  4. Obstetricians and gynecologists.
  5. Orthodontists.
  6. Psychiatrists
  7. Family and general practitioners
  8. Physicians or surgeons (all other)
  9. General internists
  10. Prosthodontists
  11. General pediatricians
  12. Dentists (all other specialists)
  13. General dentists
  14. Podiatrists
  15. Optometrists

List of Medical Schools in Namibia:

University of Namibia School of Medicine.


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