
University lecturers teach college students in a variety of academic and vocational subjects and using an assortment of different methods, including lectures, seminars, and fieldwork. As such, they have a unique opportunity to shape young people’s minds and pass on their own knowledge to the next generation. Lecturers teach on a full-time or part-time basis in universities or higher institutions. By gaining the right education and experience and submitting a strong application, you too can become a university lecturer in Egypt and can eventually progress in the career to become a professor by having many years of experience and earning a PhD.

Academic Career Progression in Egypt

Teaching assistant: Academic departments hire teaching assistants by either directly hiring the top ranking students of the most recent graduates, or publishing advertisements. Once hired, a teaching assistant must obtain a master’s degree within five years of commencing employment. Otherwise, s/he must either leave the university, or be transferred to any administrative department that s/he is qualified for. Teaching assistants duties include preparing and delivering tutorial and lab sessions, preparing assignments and term projects requirements, preparing and conducting laboratory examinations, and tutorial quizzes, and co-supervising graduation projects.
Senior teaching assistant: After a teaching assistant obtains a master’s degree, s/he is promoted to a senior teaching assistant. Usually, the duties do not change, but the salary increases slightly. To keep her/his post, a senior teaching assistant must obtain a doctoral degree within five years. Otherwise, s/he must either leave the university, or be transferred to any administrative department that s/he is qualified for.
Assistant professor: Once a senior teaching assistant obtains a doctorate, s/he is hired as an assistant professor, and receives tenureship. Assistant professors duties include delivering lectures, supervising graduation projects, master’s theses, and doctoral dissertations.
Associate professor: After at least five years, an assistant professor can apply for a promotion to the rank of associate professor. The decision is based on the scholarly contributions of the applicant, in terms of publications and theses and dissertations supervised.
Professor: After at least five years, an associate professor can apply for a promotion to the rank of a professor. The decision is based on the scholarly contributions of the applicant, in terms of publications and theses and dissertations supervised.
Academic duties of associate professors and professors are nearly the same as assistant professors. However, only associate professors and professors can assume senior administrative posts like a department chair, a college vice dean, and a college dean.

Required Skills for Lecturing

• Good communication skills
• Patience
• Understanding
• Empathy
• Passion, etc

Responsibilities of a Lecturer

Lecturers may work alongside other staff members, but they will likely have to know how to do the following:
• Lecture (of course)
• Create activities
• Improve teaching techniques
• Assess work
• Prepare and grade exams and written work


Preparing Yourself for the Job

Pick update a Teaching Experience

During your Masters and PhD, you may come across opportunities – or actively look for them – to do some departmental teaching in the form of tutorials or seminars.
You may also have to mark exam scripts and essays, which will all add valuable experience in preparation for the permanent lectureship. We highly recommend taking on any job offer, because the teaching experience you gain will be invaluable for your future.

Develop your Research Experience

Your three to four year PhD will provide the bulk of your research experience, so you must make the most of it. Even if your position is research-based, you need to be able to communicate your ideas to students, colleagues and peers at conferences and workshops.
As a PhD students, you should also publish papers almost as soon as you PhD is over. This is a surefire way of getting your research out there, and of increasing your chances of landing a full-time lectureship.

Choose the Academic Field You Want to Work in

It takes a long time to accumulate the education and experience necessary to become a university lecturer. Choose a field to go into that you’d be comfortable working in for much of your career.

You will probably find more success in the long run by choosing a field you enjoy rather than one that you think will earn you the most money. For example, if you’re passionate about literature, it may be more worthwhile to go into that field instead of something you don’t enjoy.


How to Become a University Lecturer in Egypt

To become a lecturer, there are several university lecturer qualifications you need to obtain, beginning with your undergraduate studies.

Qualifications and Education

Bachelor’s Degree: If you have the intention to work in a higher education institution, you should study a relevant subject for your bachelor’s degree. At this stage, you can major in a more broad topic like Education or even a general subject.
Post Graduate Degrees: To become an expert in the field, you will continue your education and likely need to earn at least your master’s degree in Education or the subject you want to teach. But the learning won’t stop there. To be hired by a university, you will likely need a PhD as well.
Publication and Internships: During your post-graduate degrees, it’s very important to perform research and try to get published. It is equally important to try your hand at internships and apprenticeships to learn from lecturers.

 Apply for a Job as a Lecturer

After you’ve completed your education and have a PhD, you can start looking for open positions. There are academic job listings for this. You can also get in touch with your institution of choice to ask if there are positions available.

During the application process, you’ll want to create tailored cover letters. You may also want to set up your CV and/or resume in a professional manner. When you write your cover letter, try to include specific information that echoes what the institution believes in to showcase why you’re the right fit. Additionally, in your personal statement, it’s useful to include your teaching approach


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