
Faculty Tuition fees

Faculty of Islamic theology in Cairo

Faculty of jurisprudence and law in Cairo

  • Department of jurisprudence
  •  Department of jurisprudence and law
  • Department of jurisprudence and law in foreign language

Foreign currency

Faculty of Arabic language in Cairo

  • General specialization
  • Department of History and Civilization

Faculty of Media ( for boys) in Cairo

Foreign currency

Faculty of Islamic and Arabic studies

(for boys ) in Cairo


Faculty of Islamic call “Dawa” in Cairo

Faculty of Commerce ( for boys ) Cairo

Foreign currency

Faculty of Education ( for boys ) in Cairo

  • Specialization General
  • Department of Islamic studies
  • Department of history
  • Department of libraries ; information and IT ( information technology )
  • Department of social service


Foreign currency

Foreign currency

Foreign currency

Faculty of language and Translation :

  • General specialization
  • Department of  Simultaneous interpretation
  • Department of English language and its literature
  • Department of Islamic studies in English language
  •  Department of Islamic studies in French language
  • Department of Islamic studies in German language
  • Department of Islamic studies in African language
  • Department of Islamic studies in Urdu language


Foreign currency

Foreign currency


Foreign currency









Faculty of the Glorious Quran ( for boys) in Tanta



Faculties of applied sciences



Tuition fees

Faculty of Medicine( for boys) in Cairo

Foreign currency


Faculty of Dentistry ( for boys) in Cairo


Foreign currency

Faculty of Engineering(for boys) in Cairo

Foreign currency

Faculty of Pharmacy (for boys) in Cairo Foreign currency


Faculty of Science ( for boys) in Cairo

Foreign currency

Faculty of Agriculture


(for boys ) in Cairo

Foreign currency

The available faculties for the

New International female students


And Tuition fees (foreign currency)

Tuition fees

Faculty of Islamic and Arabic studies for girls in Cairo

  • Department of Islamic Theology
  •  Department of Islamic jurisprudence
  • Department of jurisprudence and law
  • Department of Arabic language
  • Department of Journalism and Media

Foreign currency


Faculty of Humanities ( for girls) in Cairo

  • Section of documents and libraries
  • Department of Sociology
  •  Department of Geography
  • Department of Psychology
  •  Department of kindergarten
  • Department of European languages and their literature – simultaneous interpretation
  • Department of German language
  • Department of Spanish language
  • Department of oriental languages- Persian
  • Department of oriental languages  Hebrew
  • Department of oriental languages- Turkish
  • Department of oriental languages- Urdu
  • Department of History

Foreign currency

Foreign currency

Foreign currency


Foreign currency

Foreign currency

Foreign currency




Foreign currency

Foreign currency

Foreign currency


Foreign currency

Foreign currency

Foreign currency

Faculty of Education ( for GIRLS ) in Cairo

  • Department of Islamic studies
  • Department of Arabic language

Faculty of Medicine ( for girls) in Cairo

Foreign currency


Faculty of Dentistry ( for girls) in Cairo


Foreign currency


Faculty of Pharmacy (for girls) in Cairo

Foreign currency

Faculty of Engineering(for girls) in Cairo

Foreign currency

Faculty of Science ( for girls ) in Cairo

Foreign currency

Tuition fees scheduled for the international


students who are not granted scholarships for the undergraduate phase.

  • Faculties of applied sciences and similar departments :
  • Registration fees for the first time

(once only ):          1500 sterling pound

Tuition fees:          1500 sterling pound

  • Faculties of non – applied sciences and the similar departments :
  • Registration fees ( once only )

                              1000 sterling pound

  • Tuition fees :         1000 sterling pound

This is in accordance with the Article no  (321) of law(103) for 1961 and its executive regulation no (250) for the year 1975

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