
Thirty-eighth (38) African Countries were ranked among the 140 countries with the best education systems based on skills development by the World Education Forum. Aside from the fact that the selection was made based on the general level of skills of the workforce and the quality and quantity of education possessed by each of these countries, other factors considered include research, development of digital literacy standard academic facilities, and ability to think critically and creatively.

World Education Forum -Seychelles Nation
Seychelles has the best education system in Africa

There are 54 countries in Africa, but the question is which African countries have the best education systems? Most countries in Africa are classified as developing countries, however, in terms of education, some of them are carving a niche for themselves.

This article contains the top 10 African Countries with the best education system in 2024

1. Seychelles

This is a small island and one of the least countries by landmass. Even with its small size, it inhabits about 95,000 people, which makes it easier for educators to be properly circulated around the country. In UNESCO’s “education for all” goal set by the UN subsidiary, Seychelles is the only African country that has been able to reach this feat. Seychelles is currently topping the list of African Countries with the best education system. It is also among the top 10 most educated countries in Africa


The country is rated 69.3 points in terms of education by the World Economic Forum. It is also the only African country in the top 50 rated education systems globally. It was stated by UNESCO in 2016 that the Seychelles government spent 11.72% of its total expenditure on education. This is possible in the country as it’s seen that students up to the age of 16, have free and compulsory education, and it continues till they are 18.

2. South Africa

This country ranks 84th in the global education system. South Africa is a popular Country and it is located on the southern tip of the continent. The South African government is majorly responsible for its sound education system as 18 percent of the country’s budget goes on improving the standard of education. This is why South African universities rank among the best in Africa, extending to the world rank. Most of the South African citizens are literate, as such, the illiteracy level in the country is drastically reduced.

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3. Mauritius

The educational advancement of Mauritius was initiated from the time of British colonialism. After gaining independence, they continued in the ways of the British and it has impacted much of the country to this day. Mauritius, a riverine- territory, Surrounded by the pacific, attracts tourist activities, which are also complemented by educational development. The country is estimated to have a literacy rate of 84.4% and ranks number 3 on the list.

Mauritius has the 3rd best education system in Africa, with 61 points. It holds the 74th position in the global education system and ranks 40th position on the Extent of staff training and 47th on the Quality of vocational training globally.


4. Tunisia

Tunisia is the most educated Arab Country in Africa and ranks number 4 on the list and 71st in the global education system, ranking with 61.4 points. The government of Tunisia and some private individuals have helped in improving the educational system of the country. This results in the country, ranking 49th for school life expectancy and 51st for pupil-teacher ratio in primary education.

The Tunisian government, through its rich oil revenues, focuses on revamping the education system, and this is seen in the quality universities and colleges that the developing nation has put in place to achieve the aim of being amongst the best.

5. Kenya

This is another popular country that is known for its wildlife, which contributes up to 70% of the country’s tourist revenue. The allocated time for primary education in Kenya is 8 years. The government has succeeded in giving educational uplift to the people of Kenya.

With a population of 49.7 million, 17.58 percent of total government expenditure in 2017 went to education, and the literacy rate is at 78.7 percent according to UNESCO. This country has more than 30 tertiary institutions which have attracted foreigners to the country in the bid to utilize the quality of the country’s educational system.


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6. Algeria

Algeria is a North African country and ranks 88th in the list of countries with the best education system globally. The country also rank’s number six on this list with 57.4 points. The government of Algeria has tried to make the citizens properly educated and more than half of them are literate.

7. Ghana

It is mandatory for every citizen between the ages of 6 to 16 to receive formal education in this country. This norm, including the number of quality schools of learning in the country, has kept them in the African view as a country with a superb educational system.

8. Egypt

Egypt’s rank has 71%, according to the UNESCO 2021 rank of education in the countries in the world. The country also occupies the 99th position in the global education system. In this country, education is not only important but compulsory for everybody. The Egyptian government empowers all children from age 6 to age 17, for 12 years.

9. Namibia

This southwest African country has a large number of more than 1500 quality world-class schools. This also means that the country pays serious attention to education. It is compulsory for every Namibian between the ages of 6-16 to receive formal education in any of their schools.


Interestingly, the government has the responsibility for this academic period of 10 years by providing academic funds. The school fees for every eligible Namibian are being paid by their government, as stipulated in their constitution.

10. Libya

Libyan government grants free and compulsory primary education to all citizens of the country. This is possible, due to the increase in the country’s revenue, through the availability of many deposits of oil in the country. The literacy level of Libya is estimated to be 82.6% and is considered to be among the countries with the best education system.


There are other countries with a sound educational system but the ones contained in this list are considered to be the best top 10. 

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