
As new technologies such as automation and robotics are incorporated into the workforce, the nature of work will change and employers will be looking for those who are prepared to meet the changing demands. You need to get these top 10 skills for future jobs.

Top 10 Job Skills of the Future | Job Skills of Tomorrow
Job skills for tomorrow

Presently, skills that were once essential to jobs are gradually becoming irrelevant, creating a space where people must develop new professional skills to stay valuable.

While you might think that your job isn’t at stake, automation has found its way into nearly every industry across businesses. Everything is fast changing. Nearly 47% of jobs in the US could be replaced with smart machines and automation in the coming years. This is gradually invading other countries.

What skills should you learn today for the future job?

When considering what skills you should learn for the future, it’s important to think about what will be relevant to your career and what is most desired by companies.
It’s the time to think about what skills and practices you can develop to ensure that your career will be safe in the future.


Graciously, we’ve found out that for your career to be safe in the next couple of years, you need to learn these skills today.

1. Artificial intelligence

You don’t need to work in the artificial intelligence (AI) field to expect to encounter AI in your workplace. This field is gradually taking over the world.
Software like hyper automation and business intelligence, both examples of process automation enhanced by artificial intelligence, regularly rank among some of the top business technology trends lists.

Developing artificial intelligence skills isn’t something that happens overnight, but is sure to be valuable in any company. The first step to understanding artificial intelligence is to learn how it’s developed. This is key to learning how to manipulate and inform artificial intelligence.

2. Digital literacy and computational thinking

As the world continues to rely on highly technical and continuously evolving technologies, the need for those with the digital skills to match also increases.
You’ve most definitely heard of STEM, but have you heard of SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud)?  Being digitally literate offers capabilities beyond what was once thought possible when it comes to emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), and data science.


You need to equip yourself so well to deal with the challenges of the 21st century, some which we may not yet have encountered.

3. Creative and innovative mindset

Despite a report by the World Economic Forum in 2018 suggesting robot automation will create more jobs than they displace, you’ll still do well to keep on top of your creativity skills and maintain an innovative mindset.
Much like having an excellent sense of social intelligence, natural creativity is something which can’t be easily replicated by the latest digital technologies. As long as you can think outside the box, you can be sure your job is secured.

4. Coding

All of a sudden, coding has become one of the most sought after skills people can learn. Computing languages serve a variety of purposes and can be applied to almost any job. Learning to code is one skill that could take some time.

The specific computing language you want to become literate in will determine how long it takes you to learn to code. If you want to learn to code, start by looking at different types of computer languages and consider how relevant they would be to your career.


Often, people begin with the easiest languages to learn like HTML or JavaScript. After learning the basic languages, you can move on to more popular and widely used languages like Python.

5. Cognitive flexibility

The rise of digital technologies means you’re going to need to be able to handle the myriads of opportunities and challenges that come with it.
You have to acquire the ability to adapt to change and conceptualize complex multiple ideas all at once.

6. Cloud computing

Cloud computing is a safe way to store and manage company data that also enables remote access to company platforms.
The technology has become one of the best ways to leverage and store data securely, making it popular across several companies.

If you develop cloud computing skills, you offer the ability to advise your employer on how to best manage their cloud. From remote data storage to multi-cloud computing, understanding the different aspects of the cloud and its possible uses will make you valuable to any company.


7. Technology skills

The 4th industrial revolution occasioned by the 21st century is fuelled by technological innovations such as artificial intelligence, big data, virtual reality, blockchains, and more. This means that you will need a certain level of comfort around technology.

At the most basic level, employees in most roles will be required to access data and determine how to act on it. This requires some technical skills. On a more fundamental level, you need to be able to understand the potential impact of new technologies on their industry, business, and job.


8. Judgment and decision-making

Although robots and automation technology may be better than humans in other ways such as calculations and diagnostic solving, it’s still going to be humans that deal with the subjective side of data analytics.

Considering we’re on the era of the fourth industrial revolution, we’re still going to need to have somebody who is able to show the world what numbers mean and their significance.


9. Emotional and social intelligence

For everything that can be replaced by digital technologies and artificial intelligence, emotional and social intelligence remain uniquely human capabilities. In some sectors, these qualities are absolutely crucial. The demand for jobs in healthcare, for example, are on the increase – demonstrating how some roles will always require a human element.

Your future job is more than likely going to include working closely with others, so having empathy, the ability to collaborate, as well as excellent communication skills is something you’re most definitely going to need.

10. Communication Skill

Communication skills are fundamental skills for all within an organization. In most cases, the success of an organization relies more greatly on effective communication. Companies desire employees with effective communication skills, including verbal and written, to increase revenue return rates.

You can develop your communication skills by learning how to effectively speak to groups and individuals through online and in-person soft skill development courses.



It’s highly likely you’ll be working in a job that doesn’t even exist yet  by 2030. The world of work is evolving quickly. You have to figure out how to prepare for a future job role that’s impossible to predict today.

You’ll be doing yourself the best if you settle down and acquire these skills, and more. This is how to prepare and be guaranteed the safety of your job in the future.

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