
A skill-based resume highlights the person’s skills and accomplishments and then switches to the employment background. If you want to know how to write skill-based resume, follow these simple writing tips for skill-based resume.

Skill-based resume sample templates

  • Full contact information;
  • Brief summary, or in other words, professional summary, career highlights or personal profile. This paragraph should catch the recruiter’s attention from the first seconds. Here you have a whole freedom of what you want to tell about yourself. The best way is telling why you are a good employee. Sometimes, though, thousands of job applicants write the same point all over again and no longer impress HR managers with their claims.;
  • Skills. Write down all of your present-day job-related, transferable and other personal skills that you can boast of. Use bullet words from job posting or just the ones related to your job position;
  • Accomplishments. The only precondition for this paragraph is relevance to the applying position. Quantify your achievements including percentages, amounts of saved time or money etc. Stick to the formula: “Situation + Your Contribution/Action + Result”. You might want to include some bullet phrases there as well;
  • Working background. Not always should it be an actual work experience but also internships, volunteering, and projects you have participated in. So don’t hesitate to mention freelance work on resume
  • Education and training. Mention all of your completed degrees, majors and the name of the institution(s) you have studied in. Both work experience and education should be listed in a reverse chronological order.

Writing tips for skill-based resume

 Building a good resume is not that difficult, you just have to stick to several rules of resume writing. The following guideline will give you a clue how to organize your resume content, format, and style that vary according to a specific resume type and even your career field. Here are the writing tips for skill-based resume:

  • Select a proper resume format. There exist 3 different types of resume formats: reverse-chronological, functional and combined. The majority of the job applicants use a reverse-chronological format because it’s a good option for both expertise employees and the ones with no professional experience. On the other hand, the format of a functional resume suits people with an impressive number of relevant abilities and skills. Also, check out for a List of Best Skills for a Resume.
  • Put the data in the right order. Remember that you start your resume with a contact information and a resume summary (a short overview of your skills and experiences). Then you move on to the main sections to describe your professional experience, education and training, relevant skills, awards and other achievements.
  • Finally, you must carefully proofread the resume on a presence of any grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • Remember that the most important rule of any resume is thinking of your resume as an advertisement: How well can you “sell” yourself to the employer, or how compelling do your statements sound to him?

What Employers Look for In a Resume

What are employers looking for in a resume of each applicant? Here are 5 most important expectations of any recruiter and HR manager as you apply for a job.


Easy-to-read text.

Most employers spend minimum time on over viewing each of the candidate’s resume. Since they do it very fast, they expect you to have an easy-to-read document of a standard size and appropriate fonts. Make sure your resume is readable both online and as a hard copy.

Easily scannable document.

Most of the HR managers never read the entire candidates’ resumes, but rather quickly scan through the document in search of the necessary keywords, job titles and power phrases. Make sure that once the reader takes a look at the resume, he can momentarily focus on the most important information.


Emphasis on your relevant experience and accomplishments.

Each company strives to hire well-qualified professionals. If you want them to think that you are qualified, first find out what qualifications are for your particular job position. It’s crucial to prove you have those skills by listing your relevant achievements.

The relevant story of your career advancement.

This means, putting each job on your professional experience list is often not that necessary, especially if those jobs have nothing to do with your current career preferences. Limit yourself to the most relevant jobs.


Proper resume format.

Traditional rules of resume formatting would never make it worse. In fact, this is a professional document that represents your best qualities. Show the recruiter how well you can present yourself to the company and you will most likely make it.

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