
Sir David Frederick Attenborough net worth 2024: David Frederick Attenborough is an English broadcaster, natural historian and an author. He has had illustrious career on the screen and has firmly established himself as an icon in the industry. How much of him do you know? Stay on the post as we take you through the biography, family and personal life, salary, earnings, and net worth of David Attenborough. In addition, we’ll also tell you how David Attenborough became so wealthy.

Who is David Federick Attenborough and how much of him do you know?

Full Name:                      David Frederick Attenborough

Date of Birth:                  May 8, 1926

Age:                                 95


Place of Birth:                 Isleworth, Middlesex,  England

Nationality:                     United Kingdom

Occupation:                    Broadcaster, Naturalist, Presenter

Height:                           5 ft 10 in (1.78 m)


Marital Status:                Married

Spouse(s):                      Jane Ebsworth Oriel (m. 1950; died 1997)

Number of Children:    2

Estimated net worth:    $40 million


Education:                    Clare College, Cambridge (BA); London School of Economics

Awards/Honours:      8

Last Updated:            February 2024

David Attenborough net worth


Sir David Attenborough is best known as a writer, broadcaster, and a naturalist. His popularity is  attributed to his educative television programmes.  He had worked with the BBC and served as a senior manager. He had also served BBC in different other capacities- controller of BBC Two and director of programming for BBC Television in the early days of his career. His career as a filmography spans eight decades and he is the only person to have won BAFTAs in all categories  black and white, colour, high-definition, 3D and 4K resolutions. What an astonishing career!

He is both passionate about broadcasting and nature and has been more vocal in support of environmental causes. He is a strong advocate for the restoration of planetary biodiversity, limiting population growth, switching to renewable energy and mitigating climate change.


Attenborough is widely regarded as a national treasure in the UK.

How much of him do you know? Do you know what David Attenborough net worth is in 2024? What about his background and career life? Stay on this post as we bring you answers to the questions and more. We’ll even tell you a summary of his biography and family life.


Early Life

Attenborough was born on 8 May 1926 in Isleworth, Middlesex. His father’s name is Frederick Attenborough and his mother is Mary Clegg. David was raised in a College House on the campus of the University College, Leicester, where his father was principal. David has two brothers- Richard Attenborough (his elder brother) and  John Attenborough (his younger brother). His parents also fostered two Jewish refugee girls from Germany to gift David adoptive sisters. David lost his elder brother in 2014 and his younger brother in 2012.

While growing up, Attenborough spent his childhood collecting fossils, stones, and natural specimens in the grounds of the university. At age 11, he started supplying newts to the zoology department for 3d each. A year later, his adoptive sister Marianne gifted him a piece of amber containing prehistoric creatures that later became the focus of his programme, The Amber Times,  some some six decades later.

In 1936, Attenborough got fascinated b Grey Owl when he attended a lecture with his brother, Richard. Owl’s advocacy for conservation greatly influenced Attenborough during his formative years. The advocacy for conservation has remained part of David’s credo to this day. 


Attenborough attended  Wyggeston Grammar School for Boys in Leicester. Later, he won a scholarship to Clare College, Cambridge in 1945 where he studied geology and zoology and obtained a degree in natural sciences. The the completion of his degree progranme, in 1947, he was called up for national service in the Royal Navy and spent two years stationed in North Wales and the Firth of Forth.



Attenborough married Jane Elizabeth Ebsworth Oriel in 1950. The couple had two children, Robert and Susan. Jane died in 1997. 


At the completion of his national service, Attenborough took his first job at a publishing company where he edited children’s textbooks in 1949. In 1952,  Mary Adams offered him a three-month training course at the British Broadcasting Cooperation (BBC) and went on to joined the BBC full-time. His early projects at the BBC include the quiz show Animal, Vegetable, Mineral? and Song Hunter. He later filmed Zoo Quest with Jack Lester in 1954. This was his first broadcast.

In the early 1960s, Attenborough resigned from the permanent staff of the BBC to study for a postgraduate degree in social anthropology at the London School of Economics. However, when BBC two was established, David accepted an invitation to return to the BBC as controller  before he could finish the degree. During his time at BBC Two, he established a portfolio of programmes that would later define the channel’s identity for decades to come. Some of the programmes he commissioned include Man AliveCall My BluffChronicleMatch of the DayThe Old Grey Whistle TestMonty Python’s Flying Circus and The Money Programme, among others. Attenborough left his work at BBC Two in 1973 to become a freelance broadcaster.

Later, he turned his attention to birds. He made The Life of Birds (1998). The documentary series won a second Peabody Award the following year. His other series of documentaries include The Life of Mammals (2002); Life in the Undergrowth (2005) that focused on invertebrates; Life in Cold Blood (2008) that focused on reptiles and amphibians, and  First Life (2010).


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Documentaries on Nature

Beyond his documentaries on life series, Attenborough also made series of documentations on other television documentaries. His first in the series is The First Eden (1987). Following this were other documentations including,  Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives (1987) on fossils; Prisoners of Conscience (1990); Wildlife on One. He has narrated over 50 episodes of Natural World.

On his environmental advocacy, Attenborough has narrated series of documentaries. These include State of the Planet (2000); The Truth about Climate Change (2006); How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? (2009); Our Planet (2019); Wild Karnataka; Extinction: The Facts; A Life on Our Planet and Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet (2021)


Award and Honours

Attenborough’s contribution to broadcasting and wildlife film-making has brought him international recognition. He has been called “the great communicator, the peerless educator” and “the greatest broadcaster of our time.” David Attenborough is a global treasure that the public adores with his extraordinary knowledge of the animal’s kingdom. He won аn Еmmу Аwаrd іn 2017, аnd hе hаѕ rесеіvеd hоnоrѕ lіkе ѕеvеrаl ВАFТА аwаrdѕ аnd а Реаbоdу Аwаrd іn 2014. Не hоldѕ а rесоrd оf 32 hоnоrаrу dеgrееѕ frоm thе unіvеrѕіtу асrоѕѕ thе Unіtеd Кіngdоm duе tо hіѕ fаmе аnd rесоgnіtіоn fоr hіѕ tеlеvіѕіоn ѕеrvісеѕ. Не wаѕ knіghtеd аnd bесаmе Ѕіr Dаvіd Аttеnbоrоugh іn 1985.

some of his numerous awards include:

  • Honorary Doctor of Science degree from Durham University (1982)
  • Crystal Award at the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland (2019)
  • Indira Gandhi Peace Prize (2019)
  • Landscape Institute Medal for Lifetime Achievement (2019)
  • Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George (GCMG) in the 2020 Birthday Honours for services to television broadcasting and to conservation (2020)
  • Honorary Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge (1980)
  • Fellow of the Zoological Society of London (1998)

David Attenborough net worth and earnings 2024

Аѕ оf Fеbruаrу [wpdts-years], David Аttеnbоrоugh net worth is еѕtіmаtеd 40 mіllіоn. Ніѕ ассоuntѕ ѕtаrtеd buіldіng uр whеn hе wоrkеd twо уеаrѕ іn thе Rоуаl Nаvу.


David Attenborough is a global treasure that the public adores with his extraordinary knowledge of the animal’s kingdom. He is an English broadcaster, natural historian and an author. He has had illustrious career on the screen and has firmly established himself as an icon in the industry. As at February 2024, his estimated net worth is $40 mіllіоn and a bulk of his wealth come from his broadcasting.



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