
There are professional, marketable and profitable courses to study in the UK. This is not to say that other courses are not marketable.  According to Department of Education figures, bachelor’s degrees of some courses earn on average more than double the typical UK salary within just five years of graduating.  If you are seeking for professional courses that are highly marketable and with a handsome pay after graduation in the UK, this article is for you. Here, we bring to you the list of the top 10 highest paying degrees in the UK 2024.

Like in every other competitive labour market, students often wonder what courses are best for them to study in the university. They often wonder what the prospects of such courses are in the labour market. This is a common worry among students and this post is aimed at helping you make a wise decision when it comes to choosing a course of study, if immediate employment after graduation is your priority.

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It is interesting to note that the course you study in the university or polytechnic does not always guarantee your success in life. But notwithstanding, there are some particular courses you study at the university that give you a better edge and make you have a higher chance of getting excellent job opportunities in the UK. dentistry, medicine, architecture, computing and law courses dominate Britain’s list of top-paying degrees. Holders of degrees of these courses typically lands a job within six months of graduation.

This post is intended as a guide only. The figures quoted might vary with time.

Minimum wage structure in the UK

There are five rates of National Minimum Wage (as of 1 April 2021):

  • for workers 25 and over – The National Living Wage – £8.91 per hour
  • It is £8.36 per hour for workers aged 21-24
  • Workers aged between 18-20 earn £6.56 per hour
  • for workers under 18 – £4.62 per hour
  • for apprentices – £4.30 per hour

Top 10 Highest Paying Degrees in the UK 2024

1. Dentistry (£33,720/year)

Dentistry is one of the highest paying degrees in the UK. Over 90% of dentistry graduates in the UK find employment within six months of graduation. A fresh qualified dentist that chose to work with the NHS can earn about £33,720 as monthly salary.


Profits of dental practices varies greatly but in general you can earn around £50,000 to £110,000. Wholly private dentists can earn £140,000+.

The salaries of dentists in the UK vary with location. This means that dentists in certain locations earn a bit higher than their counterparts in other locations.

As a dentist, you’ll typically lead a team of dental nurses, hygienists, therapists and technicians, and treat a range of patients, from children to the elderly.

The most common role in dentistry is as a general dental practitioner (GDP). As a GDP, you’ll work as a self-employed contractor providing dental care to the general public in high street practices. It’s also possible to work part time in hospitals. You might provide services under the NHS, privately or both.


Top Universities in the UK for Dentistry

Some of the top dental schools in the UK include

  • University of Liverpool.
  • King’s College London.
  • University of Cardiff.
  • University of Bristol.
  • University of Central Lancashire.
  • University of Leeds.
  • University of Sheffield.
  • University of Newcastle.

2. Medicine (£33,000/year)

United Kingdom is home to one of the most beautiful Cities and best Medical Practitioners in the World. There are over 400,000 Medical Practitioners in U.K. These doctors enjoy numerous benefits of working in U.K including a lucrative salary.

Comparatively, medical graduates are one of the highest salary earners in the UK after graduation. However, not all of them land the lucrative pay immediately they graduate. The very fresh and young graduates earn around  £28,213 in their FY1 and £33,000 in their FY2.

This salary usually increases by year and level of experience, job done and work hours. Specialty doctors currently earn from £45,124 to £77,519 basic pay. The basic contract is for 40 hours. As a specialty doctor you can be paid for additional duties, extra hours worked, weekend work and on calls.


Top universities in the UK for medicine

  • University of Oxford.
  • Imperial College London.
  • University College London.
  • University of Cambridge.
  • King’s College London.
  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

3. Engineers (£30,000/year)

Engineering degrees are some of the highest paying courses in the UK. The salary range differs from the different aspects of the profession. Junior engineers earn on the average around £30,000. 

Different aspects of engineering include Mechanical, Nuclear, Chemical, Aerospace, Civil. Some sectors in engineering can pay salary range from £57,500 to over £100,000.


With an ever-increasing need for innovative technology and infrastructure, engineering will remain one of the highest paying UK degrees, and it will continue to be in high demand. It is an internationally recognized discipline.

Top Universities in the UK for engineering

  • Imperial College London.
  • University of Cambridge.
  • University of Oxford.
  • University of Manchester.
  • University of Nottingham.
  • University College London.

4. Mathematics (£28,000)

Does mathematics deserve to make this list? Yes! I love calling mathematics a discipline of numbers. A degree in mathematics has so many job prospects in the labour market. There are several career choices you can make from with your degree in maths.


The logical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills you learn while studying a mathematics degree are highly valued by employers across many job sectors. You can walk the path accounts, finance, investments, data science & analytics, and plenty more. The starting salaries for Mathematics graduates can vary a great deal depending on the path you take. On the average, annual starting salary is with maths degree is about £28,000.

Top 5 Universities in the UK for Mathematics

  • University of Oxford. …
  • University of Cambridge. …
  • University of St Andrews. …
  • University of Plymouth. …
  • Liverpool John Moores University.

5. Economics (£25,000)

The top five jobs held by economics graduates in employment in the UK are related to business, finance and marketing, with finance and investment analysts and advisers accounting for 15% of jobs.

Typical starting salaries range from £25,000 to £35,000, with the potential to increase to £40,000 or more after a few years’ experience. Salaries at senior level range from around £50,000 to more than £75,000 depending on your experience, location and the sector you work in. Some may even earn up to £100,000. This fact makes Economics one of the highest paying degrees in the UK.

Top 5 Universities in the UK for Economics

  • London School of Economics and Political Science.
  • University of Oxford.
  • University of Cambridge.
  • Imperial College London.
  • London Business School

6. Computer Science (£37,000)

Not just in the UK, Computer science is one of the most lucrative courses of study in the world. The reason is very simple: the world is becoming technological and computer scientists would continue to be relevant.


Career opportunities are opening up all the time, especially with software developers. A computer science degree from the UK is a great way to make sure you stand out in the jobs market.

We use computers to do so many essential tasks every day, everywhere. So, we need computer scientists to manage, innovate and improve this computer-driven world. Since the demand is so high, the salary is also high.

Top 5 Universities in the UK for Computer Science

  • University of Oxford.
  • University College London.
  • Imperial College London.
  • University of Cambridge.
  • University of Edinburgh

7. Business and Management (£17,900)

The jobs available for business management graduates are diverse. This means that graduates of business management in the UK have many job prospects. The career path you’d take with this degree depends on the job. A Bank Manager, for example, may join on a graduate scheme or start in Customer Service and work their way up.

Highest paying degrees in the UK


8. Law (£17,900)

There is a wide margin in earnings in this profession, depending on the type of law you practice. Earning is also determined by the years of practice.  A Junior Barrister, for example, might earn under £20,000 while a Commercial Barrister tops £200,000 after two years. To become a Barrister you need to get a high degree, preferably a First Class.

Your career path as a Barrister starts with a year-long pupillage leading to an offer of a tenancy in Chambers as a ‘Baby Junior’

Top Universities in the UK for Law

  • University of Oxford.
  • University of Cambridge.
  • London School of Economics and Political Science.
  • University College London (UCL)
  • King’s College London.

9. Finance (£43,800)

Finance degree is one of the highest paying degrees in the UK. The highest paid job you can get with a Finance degree is in investment banking, where the salaries can start at about £43,800 for an investment analyst and reach six figures for a Corporate Investment Banker or Corporate Treasurer.

Top Universities in the UK for Finance

  • University of Glasgow
  • London School of Economics
  • University of Bolton
  • Aberyswyth University

10. Architecture (£22,000)


Architecture completes our list of the highest paying degress in the UK. This field is a field with a never-ending scope and high paying jobs. We always needed building and over structures built in the past, and we will always need them in the far future too!

Architecture is paid well because of the eight years it takes to train. However, you can earn a significant sum in the financial sector, property development or working in the Middle East.

After becoming a specialised architect, you can expect a hefty salary irrespective of where you are on the construction site supervising the building process or in your 33rd-floor corner office planning the next skyscraper.

Top Universities in the UK for Architecture

  • University College London (UCL)
  • University of Cambridge.
  • Manchester School of Architecture.
  • The University of Sheffield.
  • Cardiff University

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