  1. Nigeria (262)
  2. Tunisia (204)
  3. Morocco (153)
  4.  Kenya (129)
  5. South Africa (123)
  6. Algeria (104)
  7. Ethiopia (73)
  8. Egypt (70)
  9. Ghana (70)
  10. Uganda (69)

Fifty(50) African Countries were ranked among the 140 countries with the highest number of universities by Statista. Of all the universities in Africa, only a few of them can ideally stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their counterparts on the global scene. In this post, we’ll tell you the top 10 countries in Africa with the highest number of universities in 2024.

However, due to the need to provide higher education to their ever-growing population, many African countries boost hundreds of higher institutions that comprise both private and public schools.

Ironically, there is a sharp contrast in the fact that the countries with the highest number of universities do not necessarily have the best universities on the continent. Another interesting fact to note is that having the highest number of universities does not directly translate to having the highest educated population on the continent nor having the best education system on the continent.

For example, According to the World Population Review, the most educated countries in Africa are Equatorial Guinea, South Africa, Libya, and Mauritius, in that order. Yet, only South Africa ranks in the top 10 on this list with 123 universities. Equatorial Guinea, the most educated country in Africa has only one university! Libya has 10 universities while Mauritius has 9 universities.


Similarly, South Africa has some of the best universities on the African continent, with three universities taking up the first three spots on the continent. However, the total number of universities in South Africa is only a little more than half of the universities in Nigeria.

Top 10 Countries in Africa with the Highest Number of Universities in 2024

top 10 African countries with the highest number of universities

  1. Nigeria (262)
  2. Tunisia (204)
  3. Morocco (153)
  4.  Kenya (129)
  5. South Africa (123)
  6. Algeria (104)
  7. Ethiopia (73)
  8. Egypt (70)
  9. Ghana (70)
  10. Uganda (69)

1. Nigeria

According to the ranking, Nigeria has the highest number of universities in Africa with a stunning figure of 262! This number comprises both public universities and various world-class private universities.

Of these, the University of Ibadan remains the best university in the West African country as of the time of writing this post. The number of universities in the country is expected to go beyond this figure in the nearest future as more universities are being established by both the Nigerian government and private individuals.


2. Tunisia

Following Nigeria is Tunisia with 204 universities to deserve the number two spot on our list. The North African country is the second country on the continent with the highest number of universities. Tunis El Manar University is the best university in Tunisia

3. Morocco

Morocco is the third country with the highest number of universities in Africa with 153 universities. Mohammed V University is the best university in the country as of the time of writing this post.

4. Kenya

With 129 universities, Kenya has the fourth-highest number of universities in Africa. The University of Nairobi is the best university in Kenya.

5. South Africa.

South Africa has 123 universities in Africa. Most of the universities in South Africa are world-class with global reputations.


Most South African universities continue to dominate African universities’ ranking. As of the time of writing, three South African Universities are the top 3 best universities in Africa, and about 5 are represented in the top 10.

6. Algeria

104 universities in Algeria provide university education for local and international students in Algeria. The Ferhat Abbas Sétif University sits at the top of the best universities in Algeria.

7. Ethiopia

Ethiopia occupies the number seventh position on the list with a total of 73 universities with Addis Ababa University retaining its place as the best university in Ethiopia.

8. Egypt

The North African country has 70 universities with about 23 of them being privately owned and Cairo University steering the wheel as the best university in the country.


9. Ghana

Like Egypt, Ghana has 70 universities and some of the best universities in the West African region. The University of Ghana is the best university in the country.

10. Uganda

Uganda completes our list of the top 10 countries in Africa with the highest number of universities. This country has 69 universities that comprise both public and privately owned ones. Of all the universities, Makerere University is the best university in Uganda.


Other African countries with the highest number of universities include that make the top 20 list include:

  1. Somalia (60)

  2. Sudan (58)

  3. Tanzania (52)

  4. DR Congo (47)

  5. Zambia (44)

  6. Libya (40)

  7. Senegal (34)

  8. Benin (27)

  9. Angola (23)

  10. Malawi   (23)

  11. Rwanda (22)



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