Highest paying countries for Engineers

As an engineer who aims at earning more money, these countries could be the best place to bring that dream to reality. Engineers can make the most money while still taking their careers to the next level. There are certain factors to consider before considering relocation. You could actually feel more comfortable working in your home country but if you believe you have a better potential to earn more money in another country, then this article is for you. Here, we e will cover what you need to know about engineering and the highest paying countries for engineers.

Is Engineering Career Worth All The Hypes? 

Engineering fields are among the top ten paying careers in the world. A degree in engineering is not going to be wasted, the job market is pretty healthy.

According to US Bureau of Labor Statistics survey conducted, it was revealed that engineering fields like civil, industrial, mechanical, construction, and manufacturing are in a period of upsurge.

Engineering graduates have always enjoyed high recruitment levels in  their fields even in post-graduation level. Earning higher is equivalent to your hard work, steep learning curves and efforts you put into your career.


Highest Paying Engineering Jobs

Engineering has been said to be among the professions that pay the highest. Before we look at which countries pay the highest, let’s first consider which engineering discipline tend to pay the most.

Engineering encompasses different branches, industries, specializations, and competitions. Engineers salary varies depending on their field of expertise: petroleum engineers are one of the highest paid engineering professions, while civil  engineers and mechanical engineers earn 1.7 times less in the U.S.

Below are the top 10 highest paying engineering jobs, they are numbered according to their ranks and the average income annually.

These figures are just a snapshot in time, there might be some fields that could be highly paid currently, but may be affected by future developments (demands and supply). The data may not have captured some engineering fields. This is because those fields records less growth than the others.

  1. Petroleum Engineers – $147,520 annually
  2. Architectural and Engineering Managers – $138,720 annually
  3. Airline Pilots and Flight Engineers – $131,760 annually
  4. Computer Hardware Engineers – $110,650 annually
  5. Aerospace Engineers – $107,700 annually
  6. Sales Engineers – $104,660 annually
  7. Nuclear Engineers – $104,630 annually
  8. Chemical Engineers – $103,590 annually
  9. Engineering Professors – $102,000 annually
  10. Mining and Geological Engineers – $100,970 annually

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Highest Paying Countries For Engineers

Engineering jobs abroad could be seen an opportunity to gain new experiences and gather new skill-set and explore a new part of the world. Engineering are said to be world sought after in the global workforce because their demand outweighs their supply.

Here is a list of countries with the highest salaries for engineers:

  1. Australia  – $135,000 annually
  2. Canada – $112,467 annually
  3. Switzerland – $77,438 annually
  4. Japan – $76,845 annually
  5. New Zeeland – $76,701 annually
  6. England – $74,346 annually
  7. Denmark -$71,565 annually
  8. United States Of America – $62,019 annually
  9. China – $47,361 annually
  10. Germany – $44,803 annually

1. Australia

Australia is one of the highest paying countries for engineers in the world. A graduate engineer in Australia can earn up to $65,000 and as they gain experience, their salaries can scale up to an average of $135,000 annually. The largest engineering markets is in Victoria, followed by Tasmania and Queensland.


2. Canada

Canada is ahead of other countries in terms of access to natural resources and infrastructure and it is a frequent destination for engineers and other professionals. Working in Canada could be the best decision for engineers who are passionate about a comfortable work environment and a fat salary, they can earn positions in several fields.

Canada has rich resources and as such they tend to accommodate Petroleum and chemical engineers more. All you need to practice legally as an engineer in Canada is a license from an accredited engineering association. There are many cities with lucrative career opportunities such as Toronto and Vancouver. The average expected income for engineers is $112,467 annually.

3. Switzerland

Switzerland is said to be one of the wealthiest countries in the world and they are known for innovative engineering. The country’s main economy components are Scientific research and manufacturing and this favors chemical and mechanical or chemical engineers.

You can also choose to pursue an engineering degree in the country, its academic institutions are government-funded and affordable and some do provide bonuses to international students. You can easily find engineering opportunities in it’s big cities like Zurich, Geneva and Basel. The average expected income for engineers is around $77,438  annually, making Australia one of the highest paying countries for engineers.


4. Japan

Japan in the past years has played a key role in global technology and industry, it has the third-largest economy in the world with an expansive workforce and many of the world’s largest companies.

It can be a lucrative international hub for engineers to work and start a new career. It has so many well paying opportunities for mechanical, chemical, biomedical and electrical engineers in it’s biggest cities like Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya and Kyoto with the average expected income for engineers being $76,845 annually.


5. New Zealand

New Zealand is a lucrative country with stable economy where engineers can thrive well . The country accommodates more of civil engineers as long as they are willing to contribute in constructing a safe structural environment for everyone. With an average annual salary of $76,701, New Zealand is among the highest paying countries for engineers.

New Zealand has a shortage of engineering professionals in its workforce, there are about 74,000 engineers in the Zeeland, and the companies there often desire candidates with specialized engineering skills. There are an array of engineering roles you can pursue, there are many job opportunities to choose from with very high salary.


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6. England

England is an international hub with a large economy. There’s a demand for engineers in England, to land an engineering job in England you need work experience and a Tier 5 license. Engineers are in high demand in the Egypt and are highly paid, you can find more job opportunities in the most developed cities, like; London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester. The average expected income for engineers is $74,346 annually.

7. Denmark

Denmark favors engineering professionals because of it’s lucrative labor market. This country specializes in innovation, the energy field is always in demand for engineers.

Denmark has world leading engineering universities, like Aarhus, Aalborg and the University of Southern Denmark, after graduation you have greater chances of landing an engineering job in their industrialized cities, such as Copenhagen, Aarhus and Odense. The average expected income for engineers is $71,565 annually.


8. United States Of America

USA is known for expansive military bases, manufacturing centers and companies which in turn provides career opportunities for engineers in fields like aerospace, chemical, civil, biomedical, health and safety, electronics, marine and mechanical engineering. The average expected income is estimated as $62,019 annually.

9. China

China is competing for the largest economy of the world, engineers with long standing experiences are the building blocks of this rapid development. Chinese government is offering a large economy and a robust technical engineering industry that’s constantly developing in infrastructure, scientifically and technologically.

International engineers are highly valued in China even as the country is rapidly becoming the cynosure for global order,  the country can provide engineers with diverse opportunities spanning across many disciplines, sectors and specializations. You can find many of these opportunities in big cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Chongqing. The average expected income for engineers is $47,361 annually.

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10. Germany

Germany has a extensive history of engineering, they have a global reputation in automobile and pharmaceuticals with the largest economy in Europe. Also, German universities ranks one of the the highest in the world for scientific research. Mechanical, automobile, biomedical and pharmaceutical engineers are best favored in this country with substantial amount of high-paying jobs.

There is a high demand for professionals to work in the country’s industrial sector, so college graduates looking for job opportunities directly out of school may get one easily. The average expected income for engineers is $44,803 annually.

Factors To Consider Before  Relocating

There are important elements to consider before relocating to another country for work purpose.

1.Cost Of Living: It is important to consider the living cost of the country you are interested in relocating to especially if you are moving for a higher income or better quality of life. There are taxes, bills, and other expenses you will need to consider. Higher incomes tend to attract heftier tax brackets in some countries, check your tax liabilities from country to country though some countries have bilateral tax agreements to prevent dual/double taxation.


2. Job Benefits: Some job offers might come with other benefits like holiday allowances, pension, flexi-time or healthcare. These benefits might be more valuable than an extra 10% salary.

3. Quality Of Life: Another thing to consider is the overall quality of life. For example, if you can earn in a strong currency like dollars but spend in a weaker currency.

4. Cultural Differences: Working overseas can expose you to a different and fascinating culture that might take you awhile to get familiar with.


Engineering jobs abroad are becoming increasingly popular, this can be an opportunity to explore a new part of the world, immerse yourself in a new culture, and travel where your skillset is most valued.


Consider our list of countries with highest salaries for engineers to choose the best for you.

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