How to get rid of houseflies

There is hardly a place where houseflies are not found and they are notable for their annoying buzzing sounds. They are also referred to as “nuisance” flies and their infestation can be a major cause for concern. Houseflies bites can be very dangerous because they can spread diseases. In this article, you’ll know how to get rid of houseflies in your home.

Houseflies are found almost everywhere people live. They lay their eggs on animal feces, garbage, and in rotting organic material. Although their life cycle may be for only 10-25 days, they can lay hundreds of eggs in that time. Their elimination can be very frustrating due to their rapid reproduction rate. But don’t worry, you’ll find the most reliable ways of getting rid of the pest in this post.

What Houseflies Look Like

Houseflies are common pests with a single pair of wings and compound red eyes. They are usually grey in appearance and display four black stripes on their thorax. They typically breed in kitchen bins, faeces, or on piles of spoiled food. While house flies might be frustratingly difficult to get rid of, there are some natural ways to keep them out of your home.  To help you prevent houseflies, we’ve done our research and have rounded up the best advice and natural methods to try.

Life Cycle of Houseflies



Life Cycle of Housefly

The life of houseflies is divided into four phases and depending on conditions of the developmental time, the house fly may require as less as six days to convert from an egg to an adult. The life cycle begins when a fertilized female house fly finds a suitable location to lay her eggs, often at times on faeces, carrion or garbage. Female house flies usually only mate once, but are capable of producing between 350-900 eggs in their lifetime.

What Attracts Flies in Your House?

Kitchen bins, faeces, or piles of spoiled food are a common things that attract houseflies to your home. They are also attracted to homes via odours.

Signs of Houseflies Infestation

When you see flies in your home, this is enough to signal you about their possible infestation. Also, you may also hear their buzzing sound around your home. This buzzing sound is produced when their two wings beat together.


How To Prevent A House Fly Infestation

Many housefly infestations are due to excess moisture and debris accumulating around the house. These debris produce foul smell that can invite houseflies to your home. To prevent houseflies infestation, you should keep your house clean and dry always. In some other instances where the houseflies may not come from outside, houseflies may also breed inside. To prevent infestation, you must ensure to keep the places that could serve as breeding places for houseflies clean. Ensure that you do the following:

  • clean areas with standing water, such as gutters
  • keep doors or other points of entry shut
  • clear decaying food, such as fallen apples from a tree
  • regularly clean kitchen and bathroom surfaces
  • Check and repair screens and seal around windows.
  • Store produce and condiments in the refrigerator to help deprive flies of any food sources. Keep cereal, grains, and sugar in airtight containers with tight-fitting lids.
  • Do not leave open drink containers or wine glasses out; once empty, rinse them with warm water to remove any sweet residue that might attract flies.
  • Clean up spilt food from floors and countertops immediately and keep an eye out for pieces of food that drop under counters or appliances while cooking.
  • Maintain waste cans.

How to Get Rid of Houseflies Using Natural Remedies

1. Using Herbs and flowers

How to Get Rid of Houseflies Naturally

There are certain herbs and flowers that can keep flies at bay from your home. Interestingly, some of these herbs are edible so you can plant them in your garden. Plant these herbs around your house to repel flies infestation: basil, marigold, lavender, bay leaves, and catnip.

2. Vinegar and dish soap

Vinegar and dish soap are a powerful combination that can help chase flies away from your home. Simply mix about an inch of apple cider vinegar and a few drops of dish soap in a glass. Cover the glass with plastic wrap and secure it with a rubber band, then poke small holes in the top for the flies to sink in.


3. Ginger and Garlic

Ginger and garlic have also proven to be very useful in getting rid of other insect pests from homes such as cockroaches, bedbugs, and termites. To get rid of houseflies, mix one tablespoon of dried ginger or garlic powder in 1 cup of water and shake well to mix. In a spray bottle, spray the mixture in the area where flies are seen.

 4. Natural Oils Repellent

 Natural Fly Repellent with Essential Oils

Essential oils are also useful to eliminate infestation of a number of pests, including houseflies. Lavender, peppermint, neems, lemongrass, and eucalyptus have been proven useful in eliminating houseflies. One side effect on the good side is that in addition to helping you get rid of the flies, these natural oils will also leave a nice and refreshing scent in your home.

5. Cleaning the house

Water is necessary for flies to breed and is an essential part of their diet. Flies cannot live more than 48 hours without access to water and housefly infestations are due to excess moisture and debris accumulating around the house. To get rid of houseflies from your home, check the following:

  • floors, removing food or food residue
  • sinks and bath or shower drains
  • drains
  • dirty mops
  • inside garbage containers
  • under appliances, such as refrigerators
  • cracks in floor or wall tiles where bacteria might grow

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6. Salt and Turmeric

To get rid of houseflies from your home, especially in your kitchen, sprinkle salts and turmeric on your kitchen slap. This powerful combination can drive flies away


7. Orange Peel

orange peel to prevent houseflies infestation

Are you tired of the buzzing sound that houseflies produces and all the discomforts associated with houseflies? Here’s a simple trick to get rid of them. Tying orange peels in a muslin cloth and hanging them around your kitchen could prove to be an excellent way to get rid of houseflies from your home.


8. Use Flytraps

Flytraps could help get rid of flies and a number of such devices have been designed to meet this need. These devices include:

  • Light traps that use ultraviolet light to attract flies and a glue board to trap them (They are most effective against larger flies.)
  • Traps that use a low voltage electrical current to zap flies.
  • Traps that use bait to attract flies, such as honey, banana, or other sweet scents.
  • Natural options, such as a Venus flytrap, which is a plant that traps and digests flies.

Insecticide and other repellents

In addition to the natural methods highlighted above, insecticides may be the remedy you need for large flies infestation. However, although the effects of insecticides may be rapid, they’re not effective in the long term. Pyrethrin-based insecticides are most common recommended for indoor fly infestations.

People using fly sprays or insecticides must take care to prevent direct contact with the skin or eyes and avoid inhaling them. Pyrethrin has low toxicity but can irritate the skin or trigger other mild symptoms.

Health Risks Associated with Houseflies

How to Eliminate Houseflies


Houseflies can carry disease-causing viruses and bacteria. Some of the diseases that houseflies cause include:

  • food poisoning
  • cholera
  • typhoid fever
  • dysentery
  • tuberculosis
  • eye infections
  • trachoma
  • epidemic conjunctivitis
  • skin infections


Housefly infestations aren’t just a nuisance. They can also be hazardous to your health. The faster you can get rid of a house fly, the better. It is safer and better to always take preventive measures to prevent infestation. Keeping your house clean — especially free from food waste — you can help prevent a housefly infestation.


Q. Are flies dangerous?

Ans. Yes! Houseflies are dangerous because they carry viruses and bacteria that cause diseases. Houseflies can cause food poisoning, cholera, typhoid fever, and tuberculosis.


Q. What do houseflies feed on?

Ans. Houseflies feed on a variety of food sources including faeces, carcasses, human food, garbage, and animal food.

Q. What are the signs of a fly infestation?

Ans. When you start seeing flies around your house in unusually high number, it could be a pointer to possible infestation. Another common sign is when you hear the buzzing sound around before you even see them.


Q. How do I get rid of flies?

Ans.  It is safer to take preventive measures before they even infest your home. To get rid of houseflies, ensure to:

  • clean areas with standing water, such as gutters
  • keep doors or other points of entry shut
  • clear decaying food, such as fallen apples from a tree
  • regularly clean kitchen and bathroom surfaces


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