Challenges international students face in the UK

Studying in the UK as an international student is the desire of most students around the world. The United Kingdom is home to many of the world’s leading universities with state-of-the-art educational services. These institutions make learning really fun and in addition, equip the students with the necessary professional skills to succeed. In this post, we will tell you the challenges international students face in the UK. In addition, you will get to know how to overcome these challenges for a rewarding learning experience in the UK.

For all international students, life will be a little more difficult than that of local students. Do not give up yet. You cannot afford to give up the world-class education that Britain offers you.

The opportunity to meet people from all over the world during your Study in the UK makes studying there a wonderful experience for most international students.

However, this does not mean that studying in the UK is easy and comfortable. International students sometimes have their own problems, which range from being financially low, homesick, language barrier, cultural shock, finance, etc.


The challenges international students face in the UK are no different from those in other places like Germany, the USA, Australia, China, etc.  International students in the UK face many challenges, whether they are seeking international student aid, coping with cultural differences, or finding a solution to an academic problem. Now, let us look briefly into the challenges international students face in the UK

How to Identify International Students in the UK

According to an estimate, 15 percent of all university students in the UK are international students. So, how do you identify one when you see?

International students in the UK can be easily identified. You will often see them at the border control tightening their landing cards and biting their lips with hope. When seen in some places, such as the local pub, they stand out from the crowd by their accent. Maybe it’s your best friend or maybe you in the description.

Challenges International Students Face in the UK

in the following sections, we highlight some of the challenges international students face in the UK. You will also get to know the measures you can take to overcome these challenges


1. Language Barrier

This is one of the most difficult challenges facing international students in the UK. International students, especially those from countries where English is not spoken, face particular challenges as they adapt to the British education system. Interestingly, the UK has one of the best education systems in the world.

This should not be embarrassing! When English is not your first language, it can be a little bit difficult to communicate with other people.

How to Overcome the Challenge of the Language Barrier

As I said before, this should not be embarrassing. If you encounter words you can not understand, seek help! rather than keeping quiet, just let your friend know so that they can help you.

Furthermore, universities have many language support services. You can take advantage of them and improve yourself.


2. Cultural Differences

Every international student is almost bound to experience this. The British way of life may differ from that of your country and the British culture is a mixture of cultures from around the world. You definitely need time to get used to living in a new country and to accept cultural differences.

How to overcome the challenge of cultural shock

To overcome this challenge, you should make friends from the UK as much as possible. This will really help you to adapt faster. Also, knowing as many people as possible from the country before coming to the UK definitely help.  It’s very helpful to talk it through with a friend or family.

3. Academic Work

More than the cultural shock discussed above is the real academic work. British colleges and universities commonly assign students lots of academic papers in practically all classes.

Completing these papers on time can be challenging because of the language barrier.  You will need to learn a lot of unfamiliar terms to use them in your university assignments. Besides, you will need to master a more advanced writing style.


How to Overcome the Challenge of Academic work

If you are aspiring to study at a UK University, my advice is simple: dust up your writing skills. You need to learn to write differently because you will be having a lot of research work to do.

4. Racial Discrimination

Aside from the general challenges highlighted above, some international students oftentimes face racial discrimination on campus premises and off-campus. Racial discrimination can be verbal and physical abuse. this can cause tension and stress for you.


5.  Finance

Studying in the UK can be very expensive and can cause some financial difficulties for some students.

How to overcome the challenge of fund

You can take a part-time job. International students by law are allowed to take a part-time job up to 20h a week during their study in the UK.


In addition, find out if there is a discount for students at your institution. It is actually amazing to find out how much you can save on food, accommodation, and travel while you are a student in this country.

6. Accommodation

It can be quite a difficult task to get an appropriate accommodation in the UK as an international student. To get suitable accommodation for you, you need to embark on an extensive study. This can be really tedious and energy-sapping.

How to Overcome the Accommodation Challenge

When faced with such a challenge, you can seek assistance from online portals that offer accommodation near universities. These websites are very popular with international students. And, with the aid of these websites, you can quickly locate your desired location at a low cost.


The United Kingdom is home to many of the world’s leading universities with state-of-the-art educational services. These institutions make learning really fun and in addition, equip the students with the necessary professional skills to succeed. The opportunity to meet people from all over the world during your Study in the UK makes studying there a wonderful experience for most international students. However, this does not mean that studying in the UK is easy and comfortable. International students sometimes have their own problems and you must brace up yourself to be able to face and overcome these challenges.


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