Ways to Learn A New Language Faster

Learning a new language doesn’t need to be a slow or tedious process. Many of us dream about the possibility of learning to speak a second language or, if we’re lucky and work really hard, potentially a third. While you are still dreaming about learning to speak a second language, there are polyglots around who are experts in not just two, three, or four! Polyglots are people who have the ability to speak five, six, seven, and even eight languages. They are living proof that teaching yourself how to speak these languages is possible and more achievable than you might think. The most important details in this text are the effective tips on how to learn a new language fast. According to language experts, you can learn basic communication skills in weeks and master the basics of a foreign language in several months.

However, it takes years of dedication to master a language, but you can achieve conversational fluency in much less time than native level fluency. To speed up the process, follow these tips and you will be on your way to mastering the new language quicker than ever imagined.

Effective Ways to Learn a New Language Faster

1. Set language-learning goals

The first step to learning a new language quickly is to set goals. Research shows that people who set the right kind of goals are more likely to achieve success. To get the most from your goals, set short-term goals, challenge yourself (but not too much), focus on specific, tangible outcomes, write down your goals, and post them in a prominent place.

Break down your ultimate goal into smaller bits, challenge yourself, focus on specific, tangible outcomes, write down your goals, and post them in a prominent place. An example of a good goal might be, “This week I’m going to learn 45 Portuguese vocabulary words related to shopping.”


2. Learn the “right” words

One other effective way to learn a new language faster is to prioritize your learning by focusing on what matters. For example, if you’re learning Spanish, start by reading your favorite book in Spanish. You can also read articles, poetry, or whatever interests you more. Harry Potter is a good choice for middle grade readers, as it contains a lot of made-up terms, but that shouldn’t stop you from learning new and useful words.

Start with practical topics and work your way up from there. Check out the top 1,000 words in the language you want to learn to eliminate wasted time and increase understanding quickly.

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3. Start with short, simple dialogues

Learning a new language can be pretty simple. One sure way to get this done pretty easier is to start reading and listening to stories. To do this, it is important to use material that is simple, such as short dialogues found in a beginner language learning textbook.


4. Get plenty of comprehensible input

To learn a new language faster, it is important to familiarize yourself with the concept of comprehensible input, which is the idea that you should read or listen at your level or slightly above. Reading non-fiction material or stories is effective because it accesses everything you need for comprehensible input and engages your entire brain in the learning process.

Stories are universally relatable and allow you to have an experience, engaging your entire brain in the learning process. If it’s fun, you’ll get it done.

5. Study pronunciation very early on

Pronunciation is one of the most important parts of language learning. According to sources, there are about three important keys to language learning: learning pronunciation first, not translating, and using spaced repetition systems. To practice pronunciation, it is best to learn with native speakers and mirror them by repeating the same sounds over and over.

6. Study the alphabet

Learning the alphabet can improve reading and pronunciation, allowing you to memorize words more easily and sound out the words instead of looking at the romanization.


7. Study smart

Apart from using the flashcards mentioned above, there are other strategies to learn new languages. These include visualizing and vocalizing, gesturing, talking when reading and writing, and using mnemonic devices. Visualizing and vocalizing help to connect concepts and improve memorization.

Gesture helps to connect concepts and improve memorization. Talking when reading and writing helps to remember faster. Mnemonic devices help to make up sentences with the new word, the meaning of the word, and a word in your native language that sounds similar.

8. Connect with a native speaker
The best way to learn a new language is to speak it with a real, live person. This can be done by finding a friend or colleague who speaks the language, putting ads in local forums or newspapers, or connecting with someone online.
Try to find a friend or colleague who speaks the language you wish to learn and who’d be willing to sit down with you and help you practice. Platforms like Hellotalk, Italki, and Skype could also help.

9. Start using the language all day, every day

You can use your normal everyday activities as part of your language learning process. Make use of every moment you have to learn new words. As a beginner, it can be difficult to use the language all day. However, there are many easy and fun ways to make the language a part of your regular life.

Taking flashcards with you, switching your cell phone to the language, and designing your home environment to immerse yourself in the language could help.


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10. Watch movies and use subtitles

Importantly, movies and video content can be a great source of comprehensive input and make studying a new language fun. For instance, Netflix is a good source for movies across different languages, and there are a few phases in watching foreign movies to maximize their potential for language learning.


More so, the FluentU language learning program uses interactive, dual-language subtitles. FluentU uses authentic video content in your target language and turns it into study material through tools like flashcards, transcripts, a video dictionary, and clickable subtitles that explain each word.

11. Read local literature

Reading is a great way to further language skills, vocabulary, grammar, sentence construction, and cultural knowledge. Try learning with bilingual books, children’s books, or books designed for language learners.


12. Learn to count in the new language

Start with clear goals and learn to count to ten. Keep going until you are satisfied with how high you can count, or challenge yourself and memorize all the numbers up to one hundred in one day.

13. Study the language everyday

The secret to learning a new language quickly is consistent study. People frequently assert that they have studied a language for five years and yet are not proficient, but it is crucial to make a commitment to learning the language for a few hours each day.

Since language acquisition relies on repetition, taking too long of a pause between study sessions increases the likelihood that you will forget what you learned before and end up wasting important study time reviewing what you already know. Commitment is essential while learning a language because there are no magical fast cuts.

14. Use language learning softwares and apps

Apps can make learning a new language fun and easy. There are so many language learning apps out there for you to take advantage of. Some of the popular and common ones include Duolingo, Anki, Memrise, Babbel, and Drops. Each of these apps is unique.


For instance, Duolingo helps users read and speak their new language, Anki helps them memorize words and phrases, Memrise allows users to compete against other users, Babbel helps users improve their vocabulary, grammar skills, and pronunciation, and Drops focuses on vocabulary.

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15. Immerse yourself in the language

Immersion is a great way to learn a language, but it is not always cheap. To create an immersion environment at home, it is important to surround yourself with books in the language, listen to music, learn lyrics and sing along, and read books and articles in the target language. This will help bring the new language into your environment.

16. Listen to Music

Listening to music in a target language is a great way to improve fluency. Choose music with lyrics and try to sing along. Find the lyrics online and try to follow the flow of the words. It doesn’t matter if you have a talent for music or are tone-deaf; the most important thing is to follow the flow of the words.


Words tend to flow more naturally when you sing, and singing makes it easier to get the pronunciation right.

17. Learn Basic Phrases

To learn a language faster, you have to study smarter, not harder. You can achieve this by mastering everyday conversation phrases such as Hello, Goodbye, How are you?, I’m doing well, What is your name?, and so on.


Polyglots have the ability to speak five, six, seven, and even eight languages. This text provides tips on how to learn a new language fast, such as learning basic communication skills in weeks and mastering the basics of a foreign language in several months. However, it takes years of dedication to master a language, but you can achieve conversational fluency in much less time than native level fluency.

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