valuable tips for success in pharmacy school

Pharmacy school acceptance is a significant honor and huge boost towards a rewarding profession. Understanding these essential requirements and valuable tips is crucial for preparing for a career as a pharmacist. Take time for yourself this summer before entering pharmacy school, as the next five years will be filled with exciting opportunities. In this article, we explain the valuable tips for success in pharmacy school so you know how to prepare for your new career path.

15 Valuable Tips for Success in Pharmacy School

1. Take Good Notes

Taking quality notes during class is essential for success in pharmacy school. There are various note-taking systems available, including Cornell, Outline, Mapping, Charting, and Sentence Methods. Active learning, such as writing in your own words, seeking answers, and making connections, increases the likelihood of remembering and understanding information.

Various methods, such as laptops, outline formats, or handwriting, can be used to enhance active learning. Using a pen and paper or a touchscreen device, it is crucial to stick with the system that works best for you. Active learning increases the likelihood of remembering the material, and handwriting and re-listening to fill gaps can help you achieve this.

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2. Stay Organized

For the best use of the limited free time, especially in pharmacy school, being organized is essential. A thorough calendar listing forthcoming tests, projects, and extracurricular activities may aid in time management and help establish a studying regimen. Focus may be maintained by making separate folders for each class or using different binders or binders for in-class notes.

Read the course syllabus at the start of each semester, and then add all of the assignments and tests to a calendar. To keep organized and on track for assignments, include personal commitments, job schedules, and extracurricular activities.

3. Attend All of Your Classes

Skipping class can be tempting… If you do decide to skip class, make sure it’s for a good reason. It can be a slippery slope in catching up on missed lectures. Missing classes a day before an important exam to study for that exam usually isn’t a good idea as again, it’s hard to get caught up!

4. Study with Others

Studying in a group setting offers numerous benefits, including meaningful discussions, overcoming procrastination, and improving comprehension. It also promotes interpersonal communication skills and encourages verbal interchange on difficult topics.


According to Gary C. Ramseyer, PhD, studying in triads or quads of students at least once a week is crucial for success in pharmacy school. Verbal interchange and interpretation of concepts and skills with other students cements a greater depth of understanding. Studying independently and working with others, friends, or family members can enhance one’s understanding of the material.

5. Avoid Distractions

Distractions can interfere with studying, so it’s essential to avoid distractions and focus on studying. To avoid distractions, turn off your phone, TV, and social media, and choose a quiet location. Just find out what works best for you and stick with it.

The ideal study location should be limited in distractions and conducive to your individual preferences. Creating a routine can help you become accustomed to studying, whether it’s in your room or at the school library.

6. Use Resources

Office hours in pharmacy school are a valuable resource for students to review lecture material and ask questions on topics they may not understand. Utilizing these resources can help improve understanding and demonstrate effort. Additionally, attending review sessions before exams can be helpful.


Old exams can provide a baseline for expected questions and can significantly improve grades. If struggling in a particular class, consider seeking free peer tutors from your school. By utilizing these resources, students can enhance their understanding and improve their overall performance in pharmacy school.

7. Don’t Cram

Proper time management is crucial for solid studying in pharmacy school. Pulling an all-nighter for exams can be counterproductive, as it puts stress on the brain and makes it difficult to retain concepts. Instead, stay organized and study a little bit every day, rather than cramming a month’s worth of lectures into one night.

Create a solid study schedule and plan your study so that you have covered major concepts before the exam time. Study material daily, aiming for 2 to 3 hours for every 1 hour of lecture. To avoid stressing out in pharmacy school, stay organized and create a study schedule. By staying organized and creating a study schedule, you can limit the stress and improve your overall performance in the exam.

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8. Avoid Studying Too Much

A healthy balance and organized approach are crucial for effective studying. Overdoing studying can hinder key information retention. Take short breaks to restore mental energy and organize your time effectively. Ensure a good night’s sleep in pharmacy school to prevent memory and thinking problems, as well as increased risk for health conditions. Lost sleep accumulates as a sleep debt. This accumulation can lead to difficulties studying, diminished productivity, mistakes, irritability, and fatigue.

9. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Professors are experts in their field, so seeking advice and asking questions can improve understanding. One-on-one time with teachers can significantly impact grades and maintain a good relationship. Asking questions during class builds confidence, and professors often have open-door policies.


If struggling with material, seek help immediately through tutoring services offered by pharmacy schools. It’s crucial to stay on track with grades and maintain a good relationship with professors.

10. Test Your Knowledge

After a thorough study session, it’s important to test your knowledge and remember what you learned. Take a blank sheet and write down everything you remember from a specific topic to reinforce the material and identify gaps. After jotting down everything, identify areas for improvement and revisit the drawing board.


Create your own quiz on Quizlet, which is easy and effective for studying the material. Create questions based on notes and consider creating practice exams that resemble real exams.

11. Eat Healthy Food

Taking a balanced diet is essential for proper brain function and good general health. Cut down on fast foods and sugary edibles as it lowers your mental sharpness.

12. Learn how you study the best

Learning how you learn best is crucial for success in pharmacy school. Each individual has a unique learning style, with some being visual and others auditory. To adapt to the ever-changing literature in healthcare, it’s essential to establish a study routine that works for you.

To some persons, to remember information, they may need to re-read the material multiple times and create their color-coded study guides. This may not be applicable to others. So, it is best you understand the learning style that works best for you.


 13. Utilize different study techniques

Begin by breaking down material into smaller, easily understandable pieces, such as study guides, summary sheets, medication charts, or flashcards. Use existing study techniques and make adjustments, such as adding notes or color-coding sections. If you have the time, write your own study materials in your own voice, as it can make a significant impact on your grades. Creating study guides with diagrams, color coding, and video links can significantly improve your understanding and retention of the material.

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14. Work in a pharmacy during your time in pharmacy school

Pharmacy work is a valuable asset for pharmacy students, as it exposes them to patients, drugs, and the healthcare system. Working in a pharmacy allows you to become well-versed in pharmacy language, including drug therapies, usages, and mechanisms of actions.

This experience will help you stay ahead of your peers and reinforces the knowledge you learn in school. Taking part-time work in a pharmacy can greatly benefit students, as it connects with coursework and helps them meet supportive people throughout their studies.


15. Believe in your potential

Adapting to challenges and obstacles is crucial for defining one’s character. Turn disappointment into determination and make necessary changes to achieve goals. Celebrate successes, progresses, and milestones to support potential and stay one step closer to your goals.


Pharmacy school acceptance is a significant honor and a boost in a rewarding profession. Understanding essential requirements and tips is crucial for preparing for a career as a pharmacist. Follow these valuable tips for success in pharmacy school.

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