Highest Paying Programming Language

In today’s technology-driven world, programming languages are crucial for the digital landscape. As predicted by Gartner, there is a significant increase in IT spending worldwide in 2024, making skilled programmers in high demand. This article explores the top 10 highest paying programming languages in 2024.

Programming languages enable people with a technical career to complete software development and coding projects. Understanding which languages are most useful in this field is essential for those interested in using programming languages in their careers.

Technology dominates the economy and society, and enterprises are actively seeking skilled programmers. To find a job in the industry, it is essential to know the highest-paying programming languages based on extensive review of the available programming languages. However, salary is subject to various factors, including experience, market conditions, and location.

In this article, we define programming languages, explain 10 of the highest-paying languages, discuss the benefits of learning one, and provide tips for learning. These figures are not definitive and only provide an indication of the highest-paying programming languages.


What are Programming Languages

Programming languages are languages used by software developers and technical professionals to communicate objectives and create digital applications, scripts, and queries. These languages have specific syntax, rules, structure, and commands, and can be universal or specific to specific software. Developers can use these languages to write source code and revise existing codes.

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Top 10 Highest Paying Programming Languages in 2024

According to our extensive review, here are the top 10 highest paying programming languages in 2024:

  1. Clojure 
  2. Erlang
  3. F# 
  4. LISP 
  5. Ruby
  6. Elixir 
  7. Scala 
  8. Perl 
  9. Go 
  10. Rust

1. Clojure 

Clojure is a functional dialect of Lisp, running on the Java platform. It prioritizes functional programming and immutable data structures, enabling robust and concurrent programs. As the highest-paying programming language, Clojure is used in web applications and data processing tasks.


Developers with Clojure skills are skilled in Lisp, functional programming, and immutable data and concurrency principles. They may be familiar with Java Virtual Machine, Apache Kafka, and Hadoop technologies. Clojure shares Lisp’s code-as-data philosophy, making it ideal for handling large amounts of data, such as data mining and AI.

Clojure tops the list of the highest paying programing languages. The average pay for Clojure developers is quite high, and could be as high as $114,000. There is a strong correlation between the number of developers working with a particular language and the pay

2. Erlang

Erlang is a functional programming language designed for scalable real-time systems that require high availability. It is used by software developers to build applications and systems. Despite its high average salary of $113,000, Erlang is often dreaded by developers, with around 45% of those using it expressing dread.

Erlang has unique features like lightweight processes, asynchronous message passing, and pattern matching. It has been incorporated into production systems by major tech companies like Meta, WhatsApp, Amazon, Yahoo, and Motorola. Erlang/OTP, or the Open Telecom Platform, is a collection of middleware, libraries, and tools written in Erlang.


3. F# 

Based on the functional programming paradigm, F# is a flexible, strongly typed, multi-paradigm programming language. It focuses on effective and expressive data processing and analysis, and is used for web development, data science, machine learning systems, and financial applications. In addition to supporting imperative and object-oriented programming, F# is a functional-first programming language.

F# is not often used by developers despite being listed as one of the best-paying languages and in a top developer poll. It is perfect for quick prototyping and complicated application development because to its clear syntax, type inference, and interactive scripting environment. However, developers do not frequently utilize this programming language.

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Lisp is one of the highest-paying programming languages in the world with an average salary of $105,000. It is a family of programming languages that was developed in 1958 by John McCarthy and is the second-oldest high-level language still used by professional developers. It has significantly impacted Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning and has been influenced by other languages.


LISP is popular for applications like computer algebra systems, natural language processing, robotics, and expert systems. Over time, it has evolved into dialects like Racket, Common Lisp, Scheme, and Clojure. LISP developers are skilled in functional programming and familiar with technologies like the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) and the SBCL implementation. LISP is used in various applications, including web, data science, machine learning systems, and financial applications.

It is particularly well-suited for tasks involving large amounts of data, as it supports efficient and expressive data manipulation and analysis. Despite being the oldest programming language, LISP is still highly lucrative for software engineers with machine learning and artificial intelligence.


5. Ruby

With an average salary of about $104,000, Ruby is among the highest paying programming languages in the world. It is a popular high-level, dynamic programming language designed to support multiple programming paradigms and increase developers’ productivity.

Ruby used for automation, server-side scripting, web development, game development, scientific computing, and mobile application development. Ruby developers are skilled in object-oriented programming and familiar with technologies like Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, and RSpec testing frameworks.


It is particularly well-suited for building web applications, server-side systems, and data processing. Developed in the 1990s, Ruby supports multiple programming paradigms and treats everything as an object. It draws inspiration from languages like Perl, Smalltalk, and Java, and is a top choice for developers. Ruby developers often command high salaries and have numerous job opportunities due to its popularity.

6. Elixir 

Elixir is a functional, concurrent programming language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine (VM) and is ideal for building scalable, fault-tolerant, and distributed systems. It is suitable for web applications, real-time chat, Internet of Things, and distributed systems. With an average salary of about $103,000, Elixir is among the highest paying programming languages in the world.

Elixir developers are skilled in functional programming, concurrency, and distributed systems, and may be familiar with Phoenix and OTP frameworks. It is easy for beginners to learn, making it a great choice for companies with large data volumes. Despite its similarities to Erlang, Elixir is a popular choice, with 75% of Stack Overflow Survey respondents loving the language and wanting to continue using it in the future.

7. Scala 

Scala is a versatile, high-level programming language that combines object-oriented programming (OOP) with functional programming, making it a complex and scalable tool for various applications. It is based on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and is designed to be concise, expressive, and scalable.


Scala is used by developers for web services, data science, machine learning systems, and financial applications, particularly for tasks involving large amounts of data. Its features, such as currying, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching, are designed to address common complaints about Java.

Scala is a popular choice for developers who are skilled in object-oriented programming and functional programming, and is often used in web, data science, machine learning, and financial applications. Programmers equipped with Scala can earn up to $110,000 a year, making it one of the highest paying programming languages in 2024.

8. Perl 

Perl, a powerful, feature-rich programming language with over 30 years of development, is widely used for text processing and regular expressions. Developed by Larry Wall in 1987, Perl is part of a family of high-level, interpreted, dynamic programming languages.

Perl 6 (Raku) was released in 2019, and its popularity makes it an indispensable tool for software development. Perl programmers can earn around $110,000 a year, and while it is considered a dead language, Perl developers still command some of the highest salaries.


9. Go 

Go, an open-source programming language developed by Google in 2009, offers memory safety, garbage collection, and structural typing. Its main goal is to create simple, reliable, and highly efficient software. Companies like Uber, Dropbox, SoundCloud, and Pinterest use Go in their production systems.

Among the most lucrative programming languages, Go is the most widely used. For instance, a survey found that 11.15% of developers utilized it often in 2022. Go could be the best option if you’re looking for a new programming language with the greatest amount of vacant opportunities.

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10. Rust


Rust, developed by Mozilla between 2006 and 2009, is a multi-paradigm language for efficient memory and high performance. It is commonly used in web development, game development, operating systems, and embedded systems. Rust is a challenging language due to its complex syntax, making it better suited for experienced developers looking to expand their careers.

Major tech companies like Google, Meta, Amazon, and Dropbox use Rust. It is one of the highest-paying programming languages, with an average salary of $125,000.

Why Some Programming Languages Pay More Than Others

Programming languages may pay more than others because of factors such as demand, complexity, industry usage, and the number of skilled developers using the language.

Factors that Determine the Payscale for Programming Languages 

The pay for programming languages depend on a variety of factors, including demand, industry, language complexity, and the quantity of developers. The developer’s remuneration is significantly influenced by their experience and skill set.


Benefits of Learning Programming Languages

Learning a programming language offers numerous benefits. These include:

  1. learning at your own pace, working from anywhere, understanding technology better, improving problem-solving skills, and increasing earning potential.
  2. By committing hours to online lessons, you can develop your skills on a schedule that works for you.
  3. Remote work options are also available for those with mastery of any of the programming languages, allowing you to work from anywhere.
  4. Additionally, learning a programming language can enhance your analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities, allowing you to resolve issues more effectively.
  5. Learning a programming language that employers value can lead to significant increases in your earning potential, as employers may offer promotions or pay increases to accommodate your growing skill set.

Tips for learning a programming language

  1. Choose a language. Before you learn a language, consider which one is best suited to your current ability and experience. If you’re a beginner, consider learning an easier language before attempting a complex one.
  2. Learn about computational thinking. Computational thinking refers to the process of a computer applying logic to code. Learning how computers function can increase your understanding of code, making it easier to learn a language.
  3. Use online resources. There are many online resources available to use throughout the learning process. You can access how-to articles or video tutorials for free online to assist you as you learn.

Most In-demand Programming Languages 

According to a recent StackOverflow study, some of the most in-demand programming languages include JavaScript, HTML/CSS, SQL, Python, TypeScript, Java, C#, Bash/Shell, and PHP. However, the demand for a particular programming language may vary based on the sector or area and alter over time.

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