
Many people believe that their hard work should speak for itself in an organization. The promotion comes with several benefits, including a higher income, more responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment. However, it may not be enough for success in a large organization with numerous competitors.  To improve your chances of earning a job promotion, these guides will serve as a compass to help you through. You can ask for a promotion if your boss hasn’t indicated a future move. You’ll find proven ways to grab your boss’s attention and get a promotion if you stay on this post till the end.

If you try these suggestions and still don’t receive a promotion, consider other avenues, such as leaving your current company or finding volunteer work that will boost your skill set.

What is a promotion?

A promotion is a move by an employer to elevate an employee to a higher position within an organisation. It typically involves a change in job title, but it may not always include a pay raise. The timing of a promotion depends on the manager and company and typically allows for advancement to a higher level of responsibility and authority.


Does a promotion come with a pay raise?

Not all promotions come with an increase in salary. However, all promotions come with added responsibilities and extra benefits, such as an annual bonus. Whether you receive a promotion unexpectedly or if it’s been a long time coming, getting this offer can help you advance in your career.

Why ask for a promotion?

If you’re feeling frustrated, upset, and burned out at your job, a promotion may not be the best solution. There are several reasons why you might deserve a promotion, including increased workload or complexity of duties, a more advanced or challenging workload, and having hit the wall. If you’re consistently hitting or exceeding your goals, it may be time to take the next step up the ladder. If you’re bored in your current role and ready for a new challenge, consider seeking a promotion.

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When to ask for a promotion

Promotion is a natural progression for successful employees, and the right timing depends on the individual’s abilities and the company’s direction. Before asking for promotion, consider factors such as company performance, the manager’s goals and expectations, and the timeline. If the company is doing well financially, the climate is generally good, and prospects seem positive, then it is the right time to discuss promotion.

Generally, the best time to ask for a promotion from your employer is when the circumstances below are met:

  1. You’ve been doing the job for a while and are looking for more responsibility.
  2. Your current responsibilities no longer match your title, and
  3. You’ve already demonstrated your abilities, and you know you have more to offer.

How to ask for a promotion

To secure a promotion, it’s crucial to be prepared and confident when asking your employer for the job. In this section, you’ll find some steps to take to prepare for a conversation about a promotion with your employer. Before you bring up this conversation with your employer, ensure that you’re well-prepared and ready to take on more responsibilities.


Prepare a pitch for your promotion, highlighting your previous work achievements and skill set. Create a compelling case for the value you can add to the new position by connecting your skills and achievements with your desired job.


The pitch should clearly outline the position’s purpose, value, future, and weaknesses. It should also explain how the position fits within the organisation, its problems, and its responsibilities. Defining skills and achievements, illustrating how you can help the employer meet their goals, and creating a plan to overcome weaknesses are crucial. The pitch should be polished, with prepared documentation for supervisory review. Practice and rehearse the presentation to ensure clarity and effectiveness.

Track your accomplishments for the company

While discussing promotion with your employer, describe your accomplishments and how your work has benefited the company. Focus on key achievements and their impact. Highlight accomplishments when asking for promotions or raises. Tracking previous achievements can signal your wins for the company and your boss. Limit yourself to three to five recent accomplishments, highlighting the company’s successes and your contributions.

Make your case

While discussing promotion with your employer, ensure to arrive on time and present your pitch clearly and concisely during a meeting to demonstrate professionalism. Be prepared to answer questions and discuss promotions in detail with your employer. Some strategies include providing an overview of your work, stating your interest in the position, illustrating your role’s value, and outlining steps to improve your abilities and take on additional responsibilities. Remember to also explain your strengths and weaknesses, and be prepared to address any weaknesses with concrete steps.

Act like a Leader

According to the Harvard Business Review, good leadership skills are crucial for career advancement, especially in managerial roles. You should focus on excelling in your current role, completing tasks well, and volunteering for extra tasks or smaller leadership roles. Also, build relationships with important company figures and avoid distractions by focusing on the company’s needs and maintaining modesty. By doing so, you’ll be more likely to be promoted in your career.


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Outline the impact of your role

Document your work changes and their positive impact on the business, excluding personal reasons. Explain why this is the right time to move forward and present a business case for how your new role can support your manager’s and department’s goals and lead to company success.


Be sociable

Socialising with co-workers can prove your commitment to the company beyond just working 40 hours per week. As part of the company, attending after-work events and participating in group activities like softball leagues or trivia teams shows investment in the company and demonstrates well-liked leadership qualities. Positive relationships at work increase teamwork and promotion chances. However, it’s crucial to maintain appropriate socialising habits, avoid excessive drinking, and avoid venting. Keep conversations light and positive, and avoid controversial topics to avoid potential issues or upsets.

What to do if your promotion request is denied

In some cases, you may hit a rock on your promotion request. While rejection is a difficult experience, handling it calmly and without negative reactions is crucial for future promotions. Do the following:


Stay the course

Handle rejection calmly, ask why your request was denied, and work with your manager to determine the right time to push for a promotion. If rejected, revisit the promotion in six months, demonstrating your dedication to your role. If a promotion isn’t possible, consider other options like paid time off, performance bonuses, or job restructuring.


Volunteering not only provides community service but also offers opportunities for higher-paying jobs and increased responsibility. Nonprofits provide a safe environment for learning essential skills relevant to your current position. Additionally, volunteering can signal to business decision-makers or supervisors that you are the right talent to bring to their company or be given more responsibility.

Find a New Job

If you feel underappreciated in your current role, consider seeking a new one with more income or responsibility. Utilise online tools to find similar roles with direct supervision. Be honest, and don’t threaten to quit if a promotion request isn’t granted. Maintain professionalism, thank the manager, and end the meeting politely. Consider your options after leaving. Learn how to end your current job on a good note here

Go into the process with an open mind, as it costs a company a lot when someone leaves and a new person needs to be trained. Managers are more likely to make employees happy, so be prepared, confident, and find the success that matters to you. Remember that retention is a key focus area at many companies, and people leaving can reflect poorly on the manager.


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To secure a promotion, it’s essential to prepare for more responsibility, a higher salary, and direct supervision. If the time isn’t right, it’s crucial to learn hard and soft skills at your leisure or gain real-world experience through part-time jobs or volunteering. This experience can be leveraged to secure a promotion horizontally within your current company or at a competitor’s.

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