
Best Country in Africa for Starting a Career

South Africa has been named as the best country in Africa for starting a career, according to the CEOWORLD magazine for 2020. Egypt earned the number 2 spot, followed by Mauritius in number 3. Algeria and Ethiopia occupied the 4th and 5th spots respectively to complete the top five on the list.
The 2020 rankings placed Kenya in sixth ahead of Mozambique into 7th; while the Democratic Republic of Congo ranked 8th, Morocco and Tanzania ranked 9th and 10th respectively to complete the top 10 list.

Which are the best countries for starting a career in Africa? How does Nigeria compare to the rest of Africa? Libya, Nigeria and Gabon occupy the bottom spots in the list, ranking 31st, 30th and 29th respectively.

Overall, among the Best African Countries In Which To Start A Career, Nigeria occupies the 30th position and 124th in the world out of the 127 countries in the ranking, according to CEOWORLD MAGAZINE, 2020.

Best African Countries In Which To Start A Career

Numbers in bracket indicates the position of the countries in the global list of best countries in which to start a career.
1. South Africa (59)
2. Egypt (65)
3. Mauritius (66)
4. Algeria (69)
5. Ethiopia (72)
6. Kenya (73)
7. Mozambique (76)
8. DR Congo (78)
9. Morocco (79)
10. Tanzania (81)
11. Zambia (83)
12. Ghana (87)
13. Madagascar (90)
14. Cameroon (95)
15. Congo Republic (96)
16. Ivory Coast (97)
17. Burkina Faso (98)
18. Chad (103)
19. Rwanda (104)
20. Namibia (107)
21. Benin (109)
22. Zimbabwe (110)
23. Uganda (113)
24. Niger (114)
25. Mali (115)
26. Equitorial Guinea (116)
27. Sudan (117)
28. Botswana (120)
29. Gabon (121)
30. Nigeria (124)
31. Libya (125)
32. Syria (126)



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